chapter 44:demon

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Ash headed home and didn't do much, it was late probably pass 12 but who cares. He unlocked his door and headed inside and closed the door and locked it and walk towards the stairs and headed to his room. It was quiet and he knew his mom was asleep so he tried to make less noise as possible. He made it to his room and entered he took off his shoes and shirt and pants. He changed into his night clothes which were his boxers and a tank top but being late he skipped the shirt and headed into bed. Pikachu and greninja both climb into their beds and fell asleep while ash was looking towards the celling and started to think. 'Can i win tomorrow..will i move on to the finals and beat the other schools. I feel like im not good enough what if i fail...what if i lose serena again. I gotta be strong.' With those last words ash falls to sleep with weight on his shoulders.

As ash is asleep a dream creeps in and not a good one at that but nightmare. *in the the dream*
'Why is the room so dark...where am i?' "Hello anyone there!" No response huh okay then. I start walking in one direction and it felt endless. 'Where am i going am i even moving?! It's too dark too see.' After what felt like forever i saw a red light. 'Well that seems bad but maybe be my way out of here.' As i walk towards the red light i felt an uneasy pressence like something evil. As i got much closer i felt a negative feeling or a force it i can't explain it but it just doesn't feel right. The red light was a small red flame the negative force feels alot stronger now and i started to feel sick too i was gonna walk away so i wouldn't feel sick till i heard a voice. "Ash wait!" "Huh?" I look around and see nothing but the flame. "Hello who's there!?" "Infront of you." I look at the flame and then it started to glow brighter and then take shape into a girl. "Wh-who are you?!" "Im the demon in you ash the very thing that makes you complet." She makes her way to ash and touch his face with her hand. "There is nothing to be afraid of i can never hurt you. Let me out ash i've been locked up for millions of years and only you, i've waited so long for you, your my true vessel my other half ash let me bond to you. Set me free ash." Ash felt fear yet felt safe with the pressence of the demon like she what she said is really the truth. "If i ever set you free promise me one thing." "Whatever you want ash." "If i ever lose control of my body and you take over don't you ever i mean ever lay a single finger on serena or my friends." "I don't know about your friends but this serena why does she intrest you so much?"

"Serena is the love of my lofe and i wouldn't live with myself if i ever hurt her. That's why promise me demon if your ever set free she is spared and so are my friends and if serena is ever in trouble." Ash walked towards the demon with serious look and his eyes had a fire to them like the look of a killer that would kill if needed and won't hold back. Ash's eyes started to change color and into red. The demon looked in awe as she saw this. "You better fucking make her your priority to save and protect no matter what! You got that!" The demon looked at ash with smirk and nodded. "Alright i promise only to you ash." "Alright now how do i get out of this place." He looked at the demon then she walked towards him and kissed him and woke up.

Ash pov:

'Was that a dream? Whatever that was i know that means the demon must have contacted me in a dream.' I was up now i look towards my left and the alarm reads 2am. 'Shit it's still early.' I look around and see pikachu asleep and greninja as well. I let out a small softy chuckle and tried to sleep again. My mind thinking on what would and might happen in the future but one thing is sure. Serena won't be getting hurt by the demon or whatever is inside me. So that's good right? Whatever no matter what i know for a fact she or whatever is never coming out any time soon.

As i was gonna go back to sleep i heard something. "Ash." "Dad? Where you been." "Ash what did you do!" "What you mean dad?" Then out of no where i saw my dad in front of me and he looked pissed. "Ash what i meant is was did you made a deal with the demon!" "No dad i didn't. What makes you think that i did?" "Ash i feel its pressence i feel the negeative energy leaking out of you so did you or did you not made a deal with her!" "I only told her if she ever managed to escape that she wouldn't hurt serena or anybody else." "Ash you idot you just made a deal!" "Dad relax and what's going on." "What's going is that you just said yes ash, she can take over when you engulf in anger or rage ash! If you literally get to mad or feel anger to kill or something she will come out and control you ash. Look im sorry for yelling at you just you broke the seal now only one seal is left and it's a hard one ash if you go green you know what is coming out."

He's right fuck i am hulk right now well i guess i gotta keep my cool and hope i don't get green. Well i guess it's time to sleep i guess it really late too and school is tomorrow and semi finals is in couple days so better train tomorrow especially me and greninja, we gotta control this new power and if it is a bond thing then i gotta bond more with him.

Hey guys yes i know short chap its because im doing short ones now and got more to do later on today trust ne i am working on some so dont worry and expect some updates tomorrow on this story and other. Im gladr you guys can bare with me and my late updates so thank you guys for sticking with me. So again thanks guys and i'll see you guys in a bit and also if there is any mistakes or whatever sorry and if it seems some what confusing i get it but it will make sense later.

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