chapter 45:semi part1

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Ash pov:

After the dream and encounter with my dad i need a drink like a real drink. But i can't it morning now and i have to go to school but thank god it's friday though so a drink later on. I got out of my bed and took a shower. I was thinking in the shower and how am gonna explain this to everyone and serena, but for now that's future ash's problem. After the shower and changing into some clean clothes i headed downstairs. It was quiet i guess mom is at work so i guess im cooking.

After awhile and cooking myself breakfast and feeding pikachu and everyone else i put my plate in the sink and washed it. I look at the wall and found the clock and shows that it's gonna be 8am in 30minutes. 'Shit i gotta go.' I grabbed my stuff and put greninja and pikachu back in their pokeballs and headed out. I got in the supra and turn the car on and waited like 2minutes so the engine can warm up and stuff. After a while i shifted in reverse and backed out of my drive way and shifted into first and left home.

On my way it was peaceful and a beautiful day to be honest. The skies were clear the sun was out and birds were cheerping it seems like nothing could ruin this day. I made it to school with time to spare so i went and looked for everyone and to my surprise so was everyone else? "Hey ash." "Hey gary what's up?" "Just here to tell you that uhh the semi are gonna start." "Wait what! Now! I thought in acouple days?" "Apperently the offical whole tournament has been moved up so they want to get it over with so we can compete with other cities then regions." "Fuck alright let's go- wait have you seen serena." "I think she is with dawn and i think by her locker." "Alright i'll catch up with you in a bit alright gary." "Alright ash smell ya later." 'Crap crap crap' i kept thinking to myself as i was running to serena locker, i didn't even bring the rest of my pokemon fuck how am i gonna do this.

After running in the halls and made the last turn i saw serena with the rest of the girls and her back facing me. So being me i want to scare her so i snuck behind her and hugged her from behind. I felt her jump and was gonna do something till i spoke out before she could hit me or something like a reflex. "Hey beautiful." I kissed her cheek and i felt smile as i kissed her cheek and felt her hand move up to my face. "Hey yourself handsome." "Aww you guys are sooo cute!" Said dawn i just looked at her and smiled. "serena i have something to tell you but in priviate later alright."

"About what ash?" Serena asked as i saw worry and confusiom in her eyes. I chuckled and kissed her forehead and looked her in the eyes. "It's about me, not about us okay. Anyways i got to go semi finals start and i don't have my other four pokemon so i gotta go home and get them i'll see you in bit alright." "Kay ash and i'll be rooting for you!" "I know i need my cheerleader." I smiled and serena blushed and tried to hid it but i put my hand under chin and raised her face to look at mine and i leaned in and her lips met mine and i pulled back. "Don't hid it, it's cute when you blush. Anyways gotta run bye serena. Later guys!"

As i ran towards the battlefield or whatever i felt a cold presence and i felt like a different feeling to myself like a sudden change, i dont know how to explain it but it's weird. I ignored it and ran all the way to the battlefield. As i got there i saw principal sycamore outside and looks like he's waiting for someone i wonder who. "Ash there you are!" Great seems that question has been answered. "Hey sycamore what's up?" "I actually need to talk to you about something." "Shoot but hurry i gotta get ready for my mat- damn it i forgot. Principal sycamore can u delay the battles for a bit i need to get my remaining pokemon for the battle." "Actually that's why im here." "Huh?" "Your mom thought you might have forgotten so she handed me these pokeballs before she headed to work." "Damn well i gotta thank her when i see her later today and thanks by the way." "No problem also ash."

5minutes passed

"Yeah. I'll tell you more when i have done more research on it alright ash." "Alright thanks more i know wjat im dealing with the better." "No problem it's fascinating and how old and rare this transformation is. By the way i thought you had both brown eyes?" "What are you talking about i do." "Well you sure because your right eye is red and your left is brown." "What?" I pulled out my phone and put the camera on and front cam was on and he was right. What the hell is this and how did i get this? "Ash." "Huh who's there!?" "Ash are yo-" "Shut up real quick i heard- it's her! But how!" "Ash who?" "The demon." "Im here ash." And she was right she was infront of me she was transparent and for the looks of it only visible to me.(like yubel and neos and winged kuriboh are to jaden in gx also got the eye color thing from it too)

"Whay do you want now." "Nothing i just want to observe that's all and you'll know when im here is when your eye changes color." "Alright i guess so what only i could see you?" "Yes and also greninja since he vital in this." "What does he have to do with anything!" "Everything ash he is the thing that keeps you alive and me as well." Those words confuse me and hit my like truck i felt my legs begin to feel weak and i wanted to fall but i gain my composure. "He keeps me alive... what do you mean?" "Oh ash don't you know when you and greninja transform that is called the syncro fusion. What this does it's like mega evolution however it has a bigger price and it more deadly and much more powerful. How it works is when a pokemon and its trainer gain an unbelievable bond that grows everytime in battle and so it gains the 'mega evolution' that takes a piece of the trainer into the pokemon and so their bond takes new heights and become one that's why when you battle you take real damage same as your pokemon you both are one. However since you have the bloodlust and me in you that keeps you alive and heals you much more faster than anyone or anything but it also ages you quickly, but with this transformation with greninja it cancels it out so right now ash without greninja you either have to kill in order to stay young and live forever and not age quickly or at all so that's why greninja is keeping you alive."

"Woah that's heavy." "Ash sorry to interrupt but you gotta hurry the match up is gonna start in bit so i suggest to hurry now." "Shit your right, and you this conversation isn't over." "I know i'll be waiting for you. Till then imma watch over you." "Like a guardian angel?" "Sure but with out the angel part." "Whatever anyways later sycamore." He nodded and i started to run past him and headed inside. So let's see what's going on i have my demon watching me and so is my dad...gesh talk about crowded.

Chapter 45 eneded

Sorry again for being short im getting tired quick idk why but i am im sorry im lazy but tomorrow for sure another chap maybe two idk yet and i got the other story which is okay but ughhhh! Fuck! So much work! Anyways guys see ya later peace✌

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