11. So Close, Yet So Far

Start from the beginning

"One more thing," Annabeth said, gaining her attention. The goddess motioned for her to continue,"Was...was his memories stolen?"

The goddess smiled,"Now you're asking the right questions." She laughed,"But no, they aren't stolen. They are locked deep in his mind." She shooed us out,"Now go before the guards catch you."

We nodded, too tired to do anything else before quickly leaving the building. It was harder getting out then coming in, seeing as guards were running around the place, but we eventually managed to do it without being caught. We walked around the area until we found a nice cafe to just sit and talk.

Once we sat down, Luke pulled out the two pieces. I was slightly confused at what I was seeing. One of the piece was a miniature brain. Then other piece was a piece of rope with a knot in the middle.

Luke grimaced, leaning back in his chair,"I fought Galen for this? What is it suppose to mean?" He groaned,"Gosh, I hope that slip of paper wasn't important." The paper was the only thing Galen managed to steal from us.

"I doubt it was." Annabeth said,"She gave us three clues. We have two out of three, so I'm sure we could figure it out. Let's think. If it's a brain-"

"Ah, there you are. Delivery for Mr.Jackson." We all looked up as a box was placed in front of me.

"Hermes?" Annabeth asked,"Aren't the gods-"

"Zeus told me not to help you." Hermes confirmed, interrupting her,"He didn't say I couldn't do my job. Besides, it's not from me. Apollo said open it when you're alone." Then, he was gone in the blink of an eye.

I looked down at the box in front of me. It wasn't big. It could fit inside the palm of my hand, and it was extremely light. I grabbed the box and stood up,"I'll be back." I muttered, going to the bathroom. Once I was there, I entered a stall and locked it. Wearily, I opened the box. Inside was a ring with a guitar attached to it.

"What?" I muttered to myself. Why would I want a ring? I opened the letter that was with it.

Dear Percy,

I'm sure you're probably very confused as to why I'm giving you a ring, but this isn't any ordinary ring. Once you spin the ring, it will transform into a full sized guitar. I'm pretty sure you don't have musical talents like me, but that is ok. First of all, I can teach you how to play, and secondly, you don't need to know how to play it. Once you strum the guitar, it will create a horrible, loud noise that will send your enemies running the other way. Once they're all gone, it will turn back into a ring. Also, if you could please NOT destroy my guitar. Thanks.

P.S. I'm sure you'd find the guy sitting at table 6 very interesting

Much Love to Me,
Apollo (aka the greatest God to ever live)

I rolled my eyes at him, but put the ring on anyways,"Thanks, Apollo." I muttered, throwing away everything else and went back to my other two companions.

"All good things, I hope?" Luke asked.

I smiled,"Yup." Then, I 'casually' looked at table six. Just like the note said, there was a man sitting there. In fact, it was Galen. I turned back around,"Don't make it too obvious, but look at table six."

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