“Oh yeah. I’m fine. Thanks again Violet.”

“Anytime sugar.” I smiled at him and he was dangerously close to my lips.

He started getting closer staring at my mouth, my eyes widened when realization dawned on me and I quickly pulled away, standing in the process before it went any further.

“Well I have to get going.”

“Violet I-“

“It’s okay Kyle. See you Monday at school.” He nodded and I smiled at him, standing awkwardly.

“Well I’m just…” I trailed as I inched out of his room and once the door was closed I let out a huge breath, while I leaned against the door. That was close, if Kyle kissed me while he was in that grief stricken mood then things would really be awkward and who knows if our friendship would have survived.

I left the house and quickly got into my car and started driving home.

Don’t get me wrong, Kyle was hot but I don’t feel that way about him and leading him on like that would have been wrong; I care too much to hurt him.

Monday morning came way too fast and everyone was still in a glum mood because of the funeral on Saturday. My first class was maths with Kyle and I wasn’t sure how to act around him after Saturday.

I saw Kyle sitting in our usual seat and I slowly walked up to him, back pack precariously hanging on my shoulder from the immense amount of weight I was lugging around.

“Hey.” I said slowly sitting down next to him while I stared at him to see for a reaction.

“Hey.” He said, barely sparing me a glance.

“Are you okay?” I asked compassionately.

“Yeah I’m fine. Listen Violet about what happened Saturday.”

“It’s okay you don’t have to explain. I understand you weren’t yourself and you would never want to kiss me if you weren’t grieving. You-“

I was cut off by a hand caressing my cheek and I looked over at Kyle he was looking at me… funny… Okay, not liking where this is going.

“I never said I never wanted to kiss you.” What? My mind went into panic mode.

“You..I… but you were apologizing.” I said lamely, not sure what was happening.

“I was apologizing if I made you uncomfortable.”

“But you never… we-“

I was cut off when he pressed his lips to mine. I was frozen with shock; I wasn’t expecting him to do that. We were friends; he never behaved like he thought more of me; he never acted like he wanted to be more than friends. I was about to pull away when I heard someone clearing his or her throat behind me.

We broke away and I looked up and saw Ethan standing there with a scowl on his face, looking down at us.

“Can I help you man?” Kyle asked sounding a little husky

“Is this chair taken?” Ethan asked sounding seriously pissed.

“I didn’t know you were in this class.” Was the only thing I could think to say

“Got transferred.”

“Ya man the chairs all yours.”

Then Ethan grabbed the chair next to me and marched over to another table near his cousin the Scot with a scowl on his face.

What the hell just happened? Why do I feel like I just got caught cheating on my boyfriend or something? I turned to Kyle and he was smiling while he played with a loose strand of my hair.

The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now