Seduction and Secrets

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Mark’s POV

The next few weeks were interesting to say the least. Ok. They were fucking awesome. Cali and I seemed to have this sort of secret relationship, and I’m not gonna lie, I was thoroughly enjoying myself. The weird thing was she still hadn’t dumped that doucheface Scott, and It was really starting to confuse me. Did she prefer him over me? Was he a better kisser? Was his abs better?


The last one is just ridiculous.

My abs are amazing.

But that’s beside the point.

Every time I try to talk to her about him she just completely shuts me down. Like she’s hiding something, or doesn’t want to let go.

If it was another girl I’d just tell her to take a hike. But Cali’s different. She’s smart, and funny, and her ass is literally from another world of perfect.

And more importantly, if I have to wait, I will.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

I need to get my balls back.

Cali’s POV

You know that awesome feeling where you meet someone and every time you see them your stomach erupts into butterflies and everything he says is funny even though it’s not and all you want to do is rip his clothes off every second of the day but you can’t because, let’s face it, you got to keep some sort of code of conduct around the household because if not, you’ll probably end up doing it in every place in every position around your house, and that can be no good because the other family members have a tendency to walk in and out, what with it being their house and all?


Well I do.

And it’s amazing.

These past few weeks have been the best of my life.

Making out everywhere.

And I mean everywhere. At any opportunity. God it’s great.

Let me give you a summarised preview at a day in the life of Cali Holston.

-Wake up

- Go downstairs

-Ogle at a shirtless Mark

-Wait for my family to leave

-Make out with mark

-Go to my room

-Mark barges in

-More making out

-Go out to see friends

-Mark comes in the car

-Bail on friends and make out with Mark

-Come home and eat dinner

-Go to sleep

-Mark barges in (half naked ;) )

-Make out

-Go to sleep

Not bad huh? Well you’re wrong. It’s fucking exhausting!

My lips hurt, and I’m so horny, I find it hard to concentrate on anything but the thought of Mark wrapping his huge biceps around my bare waist and pulling me to him, caressing each and every part of my body, kissing me all the way from my lips to my breasts to my…

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