“oh, I really love singing, do you think I will get bullied if I join” he says with raised eyebrows and a smile.

My eyes widen at that and a huge grin appears on my face “no, it will only be a couple of slushies, unless they really don’t like you, but you’ll have about 15 people that have always got your back, so no worries.”

“oh, is the school fun tho?” he asks

“it’s normal actually, just watch out for slushies, they’re ice drinks and the jocks usually think it’s fun to dump it on the people they think suck…when do you start, by the way”

“erm, tomorrow actually and I’m guessing the boy from earlier was a jock..”

“yeah” I reply and with that he gets up and says: “I’m sorry, but I have to go, my mum will get worried about me” I smile at him and we exchange numbers and leave.

I think I’m just gonna go over to Kurt’s and do homework and talk. Kurt’s house is like 10 minutes away so it isn’t long before I’m standing in front of his door waiting for an answer.


Kurt opens the door and I immediately enter and remove my jacket. Kurt looks at me with wide eyes and asks “everything okay there H?”

“I met a guy” I immediately blurt out and his eyes widen even more. “oh my god, let’s go grab some food and go upstairs, then you can tell me all about him..”

We grab 2 bags of chips and a couple of drinks and go upstairs to his room and I plop down on his bed.

“okay, what’s his name?” Kurt asks once he’s also on the bed with a mouthful of chips. “His name is Louis and he’s soooo cute, oh my god, he’s got brown feathery hair and he has the sort of smile that makes his eyes get so small and his hands are so soft and his nose is so cute a-”

“WOAH THERE H, SLOW DOWN” Kurt said and we both laughed “Anyway he just moved here from England and he starts school tomorrow at McKinley AND OH MY GOD, HE SAID HE WANTS TO JOIN THE GLEE CLUB AND THE FOOTBALL TEAM AND I’M PRETTY SURE HE’S IN OUR YEAR, KURT, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? OMG I’M GONNA BE SEEING HIM MORE NOW” I say bouncing up and down on the bed.

“someone’s got a crush” he says with a teasing tone, and we talk about Louis until it’s time for me to leave.


Harry just left and I’m really happy for him, I just hope he doesn’t get too attached and heartbroken if the Louis guy doesn’t turn out gay. We had talked about him for hours and Harry had a big smile the whole time. I can see he really likes this guy and I’m pretty happy that I get to meet him tomorrow, but I’m just gonna go to bed now.



I hit my alarm clock of the table to stop the annoying beeping. “OUCH, KURT GODDAMNIT”

I look up to see an angry Finn glaring at me. “’m sorry, wait what are you doing in my room?” I ask and he replies saying “well I came to wake you up since you said that your alarm was spoilt yesterday, but I guess you’ve fixed it” he says rubbing his head and I nod.

He walks away to go make breakfast and I decide to call Harry. I get my phone and call him. it rings for a while and he picks up.

“Hey Harry, I was wondering if aft-” “what the hell Kurt, why are you calling at 6:30, school starts at 9” he whisper-shouts at me. “Calm down H, I was wondering if you we could go spy on those warblers after school and see what competition we have” I say.

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