Your Information

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*this is your background/personality for the preferences*


Personality: Dramatic, flirty, panic easily, get over things easily

Background: You came from a planet called Haras (pronounced: hair-iss) destroyed by the explosion of a sun. You remember that episode where Allura almost flew into the sun? Your planet was in that solar system, and you latched onto the ship as it was leaving to avoid death. Everyone on your planet was willing to die to avoid being taken over by the Galra, except you.


Personality: shy, little confidence

Background: You are an Altean teacher, one who taught young children. You joined Coran and Allura in the pods.


Personality: innocent (or so they think), smart

Background: You are one of the original Paladins. You flew the green lion, but because you knew planet Altea was going to be destroyed, you left in a ship to save your life. You ended up crash-landing on a ice planet and froze. The planet was slowly getting closer to the sun and ended up thawing. Amazingly, you survived and managed to get your ship working again to fly away. You searched for the Castle of the Lions.


Personality: popular, prideful

Background: You came from Earth, and found yourself joining Pidge the one night that Lance and Hunk visited.


Personality: wear emotions on your sleeves, you're also deaf

Background: You're a Galra, and knowing what you were doing was wrong, you ran away on a Galra ship. You knew you probably weren't going to be trusted by many because of what you were, but it would beat listening to Zarkon any day.

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