Part 10: We won't let you go

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"In my daughter's eyes, everyone is equal, darkness turns to light and the world is at peace." -In my daughter's eyes, Martina McBride

"Where's Brook?" Andy asked suddenly, almost two hours after he'd left. His reply was a lot of blank faces, as everyone thought he'd just gone out to calm down, no one had thought that he'd actually go to the party after everything they'd said. But they'd underestimated the hold Zoe had over him.
"He's been two hours, we have to go and look for him. Anything could've happened to him, he could be anywhere needing us. Let's go." Mikey said, some conviction in his voice as they all headed to the door.
"Where will he have gone though?" Rye asked, and it was fair to say, not one of them had a clue.
Brook curled up on a bench, in a park, he didn't know where. All he knew was, he had to be miles from Zoe. He pulled his jacket tightly around himself, the bitter chill of the night pushing its way into him as the first few raindrops started falling. With them, came the salty tears flowing silently from his eyes down his cheeks making them sting ever so much. His shoulders shook with the agony and his whole body was racked in pain as he started coughing heavily. His cheek stung, his shoulder stung and he just wanted to go home.
He stayed there, curled up, crying and just wanting it all to end for what seemed like hours to him. His jacket, his jeans and his t shirt were soaked through and his body was shaking more than ever. Suddenly, there were warm arms around him, trying to slowly move him, but he shrunk away. What if Zoe found out? What would she do to him? The arms touched on his arm, where the bruise was from Zoe gripping him tightly and he cried out in pain.
"It's okay, Brook, we're here. You're going to be okay." The voice was quiet, scared but kind and had that Irish accent Brook had got so used to recently.
"We won't ever let this happen to you again Brook, and that's a promise."

If this is real//Brooklyn Gibson//Road TripWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu