Part 8: Ready to Blow

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"You're not alone, we're in this together."- You're not alone, Joe and Jake

"Zoe needs me to go to this party tonight, it's a dates only party and she wants us to go together. We're not doing anything are we?" Brooklyn asked, looking up from his phone to ask the others.
"Surely, she could find someone else. It's not like crucial that you're her date is it?" Mikey asked from the bed opposite, something in his voice that resembled concern and guilt.
"Why? We don't have any other plans do we?" Brook asked, impatient and confused by Mikey's tone of voice.
"Well," Andy started, pausing slightly to send a nod over at Rye, "We were planning to start on some tour stuff tonight. We thought we'd head to the studio and run through some ideas for staging and stuff." He said, practical as ever, trying to keep the thoughts of how Brook had been from his head.
Angry, impatient, confused and whole mixture of other things bubbled up inside Brooklyn, but he controlled, turning back to his phone to relay what had been said to Zoe, although he already knew what she was going to say. He almost prepared to hide from the angry response that was sure to come.
(By text)
From: Zoe
Surely it's not that important, tours not for ages.

But I can't not do what they say, it's my job.

From: Zoe
But I need you, isn't that enough for you to come

From: Zoe
Or do you not care?

Hurriedly, Brook placed his phone down on the bed, taking deep breaths to stop the tears from coming. But he wasn't quick enough, for both Rye and Mikey had already seen the tears forming, glistening.
Rye sent a text, quietly through to Andy and copied Blair one too, letting them both know what he'd seen whilst also mentioning it Mikey and Jack in a quick message. None of them knew what to do, Brook couldn't go to the party, he needed to be their for your rehearsals.

"I'm going anyway, I have to. You can do tour rehearsals without me." Brook whispered, and he headed for the door.
"You can't do this Brook." Rye said, but it was too late. Brooklyn feared Zoe much more than he feared the other boys, so he was going to the party.
Although they didn't know that much, the boys had figured out much of it already, Brooklyn never gave up on arguments like that and he never went directly against the boys in such a manner. They could tell there was some driving force behind him.


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