Chapter Nine ~ The Fight

Start from the beginning

Dumbledore smiled at me over his shoulder leading Willow faithfully down the stairs. He would learn about who she really is, she would be forgiven for others sins. Sighing in relief, I found myself alone, not for the first time, in my father's office.

"Elysia, we meet again." said the eery voice of the Hat, which was sitting in it's box on Dumbledore's desk.

"I don't... I mean..." I stuttered, before he silenced me.

"You can, you know." he said simply, his sentence holding the simple truth to it.

I can see what my house should be.

I was a Ravenclaw though, why would I even doubt it? Yet, I couldn't miss the opportunity, and soon I found my hands holding the familiar, thick material and plopping it on to my head. This time, it didn't sink below my nose, but instead hung precariously above my eyes.

"Elysia, the girl with no true last name, you will need the bravery of a Gryffindor, the Loyalty of a Hufflepuff, the wisdom of a Ravenclaw, but most importantly, the cunning of a Slytherin." howled the hat, in a voice so deep, I could barely decipher the words.

What? That wasn't the house that I was supposed to be in, that was more like a prophecy...

A prophecy!

I gasped and threw the hat from my head, running from the room as quickly as I possibly could. I didn't want a prophecy's tight bounds constricting me, governing my every move. The worst part is, that it ensured danger for me. It made it permanent and set in stone.

 Shivering wildly from head to toe,  I tried not to think of the fact that the Sorting Hat shouldn't be dishing out prophecies, let alone to me. I knew that I shouldn't have put on the hat, even if it beckoned me to do so. My skin shining under the heavy moonlight.

As I neared Ravenclaw house, I realised with a numbing shock that it would no longer be the haven that it had always been for me. Inside, Drew slept, carrying unconsciously with him so much bitterness and dread of my own, contagious and disease ridden.

I would destroy him, and I had no choice in the matter. Sighing, I walked inside with plans to dive into a boiling shower and sink in to my bed. Disappointment still stung me bitterly as I realised that my friend would not be joining my dorm.

"Elle?" called out my 'boyfriend', and my head slowly turned to see him.

Curled up on a small couch, I saw that his pajama's were now a plain black, so different to the bright pink he wore when I met him. In fact, the more I looked, the more that seemed to have changed. His jaw was more pronounced, his muscles well defined and he'd grown considerably.

I suppose these things were what made him so popular, and so unlike himself.

I vaguely recalled the polite banter that Jane had upheld, gushing about the fact that Drew was a shoe-in for Ravenclaw captain, that he was bound to be Head-Boy and how lucky I was to have him. It was a strange thing for anybody to say, really.

Imagine how large an insult that is? Understandably, you might feel lucky, you may say it in your own mind, but imagine somebody telling you that you were lucky. It was awful, but my careful mask didn't hinder, we continued on in chatting as per usual.

"Earth to Elle?" cooed Drew, yanking me out of the past.

"Mhmm?" I hummed, lifting my cheeks up to smile.

"What's wrong?" he said warmly, drawing me in for a loose hug.

"Oh, Nev, Willow was put in Slytherin." I sighed, leaning forward to sink in to his arms, only to feel air.

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