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After a while, Aunt Zarya and Uncle Seger had prepared for dinner, while they did I sent a note to Katara, Sokka and Aang telling them I probably wasn't going to be back tonight. I had quite a bit of catching up to do anyway. Even though Hisho and I sent letters whenever we could to them, it wasn't the same as being in the same room as them. While we ate we mostly talked about how things used to be, like my first attempt at fishing, which didn't go so well. It ended up with me falling into the water and Hisho dove in after me. I used to hate fish after that, that is until Hisho had pretended to wrestle with one that he had already caught. The more stories we told the less aware I became of everything else going on. It was just as it once was, but one key thing kept bringing me back into reality, Hisho. I was almost hesitant to say anything, but then Aunt Zarya said, "Anyway Hikaru, we're so glad you're safe. Hisho was so worried after you two got separated, not that he would want me to tell you--"

"Wait you knew we got separated?" I asked, "Hisho told you? Is he here?"

"One question at a time Hikaru," eased Uncle Seger, "The last letter that Hisho sent us mentioned that on your last mission together something went wrong and you two got separated." He then handed me a scroll, I quickly opened it knowing it was the letter Hisho sent.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I kinda don't know what to say, this time around. Hikaru usually helps me out with this, but she's not here to this time. And before you guys jump to any conclusions, no, we aren't fighting, we're not kids anymore. We had got word that Earth Kingdom soldiers were being held captive nearby, Hikaru and I decided to go free them, despite was some of the others thought. Hikaru seems to try her best to encourage them and I know I've put a lot on her shoulders, but I truly think she's the best person to lead everyone. Anyway we put together a team and went out, however it was a trap. We managed to escape, but we were separated in the process. It's been a few weeks now, probably a bit longer than that once this reaches you, and Hikaru still hasn't returned. I've done what I can to lead everyone, but I can tell in their eyes, that I'm not her. You'd think losing Hikaru would be the worst of it, but as hard as it is to say, it's not. Shortly after we went out on our mission, some of our people began to disappear. It's kind of weird, but the others and I think it's a good idea to move our base. We're planning on heading close to Ba Sing Se, but we don't want to be too close to the city. We've heard some scary rumors about that place. I'm hoping once Hikaru gets back we can figure out what's going on. Don't worry too much though, Hikaru and I are more than capable of taking care of ourselves.

Love Always,


"Our people are disappearing," I thought, "Just like Master Jeong Jeong said. I mean it isn't that uncommon for them to leave without saying a word. But the way Hisho is making it sound, it doesn't sound like just a slip-and-run case."

"It sounds like he really needs me back," I said putting down the scroll.

"I think so too," nodded Aunt Zarya, "But I'm sure he'll understand that you've been helping the Avatar most of the time you've been away."

"Yeah, I hope so," I nodded, "Since Aang's going to be here awhile learning waterbending, I think it's about time I head out to find Hisho, and figure out what's going on."

"Let me know if there's anything you need to get ready," said Uncle Seger, "I know you like to do things on your own, but don't be afraid to come to us for anything while you're still here."

"I will," I nodded as I looked out the window, "It's late, I should be getting back to the others soon." As I went to head back for the night Aunt Zarya and Uncle Seger held me tightly then waved goodbye.

Book 1: HikaruNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ