"Bato!" cheered Katara.

"Sokka! Katara!" smiled Bato as the two Water Tribe siblings hugged him, "It is so good to see you two! You've grown so much."

"Hi, I'm Aang," bowed Aang.

"Hikaru, pleased to meet you," I greeted.

"Where's dad?" asked Sokka before anything else could be said.

"Is he here?" Katara asked after her brother.

"No, he and the other warriors should be in the Eastern Earth Kingdom by now," explained Bato, disappointing Katara and Sokka. Suddenly a cold ocean breeze blew through the area. "This is no place for a reunion," said Bato urging Katara and Sokka close, "Let's get inside." He walk a few steps away with them then urged Aang and I to follow him, with Appa and Momo close behind.

We followed him off the shore and into the forest. On the way, Katara and Sokka began telling Bato about some of their adventures since joining the Avatar. Until we found ourselves at a peaceful Abby, where Bato had been staying at. As we entered, a powerful scent filled the area. The scent wasn't toxic or unfavorable, but instead surprising pleasant.

"After I was wounded, your father carried me to this Abby. The sisters have cared for me ever since," explained Bato as we were greeted by one of the sisters, "Superior, these are Hakoda's children, they've been traveling with the Avatar, along with their friend, Hikaru. I found them by my boat."

"Young Avatar," bowed the Superior, "It gives me great joy to be in your presence. Welcome to our Abby."

"Thank you, it's truly an honor to be here," bowed Aang, "If there's anything---"

"What smells so good Bato?" asked Sokka suddenly.

"The sister's craft ointments and perfumes," explained Bato.

"Perfume? Maybe we could dumb some on Appa," joked Sokka, "Because he stinks so much! Am I right?"

All of us looked at Sokka thoroughly confused as I face palmed myself, until Bato broke the silence, "You have your father's wit. Come, I'll take you to get something to eat."

Just as we were following Bato to his room, something caught my attention. Someone had quickly leaped over the walls of the Abby leading into the forest.

"Who was that?" I thought staring at the spot the person had lept over, "Someone clearly doesn't want to be found, but why run from an Abby?"

"Hikaru, is something wrong?" asked Aang reminding myself I was still with him.

"Oh, no I'm just fine," I smiled as I turned to leave, "I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Wait, where are you going?" Aang asked.

"Just going to take a quick look around the place," I assured, "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

Aang nodded and once he had entered Bato's room, I ran out of the Abby and in the direction the person went. "I have to make sure that guy wasn't a Fire Nation spy. If he is I need to stop him before he tells someone like Zhao where we are."

I ran to the side of the wall where I found broken branches and fallen leaves from the guy jumping over the wall. I looked towards the forest and saw a trail of footprints and broken branches. Who ever this guy is, he clearly has no idea how to cover his tracks. I was no tracker, but anyone could follow this. Swiftly I ran through the forest following the runaways tracks, until I started to hear heavy breathing, just a little up ahead I see a figure running.

Book 1: HikaruNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ