First clue, My mother, and.... diary?

Start from the beginning

"duh! because the guard, I can't meet the king easily. so I do what I usually do before, sneaking from the roof~"

"what you usually do??? He is a king!! you- sigh, okay, whatever. you're an assassin, I know. that's pointless to arguing with you."

Ehh?? pointless?? how rude.

I lifted a few red roof, trying to be silent as I can, and not long after that, in front of me was a hole that can be entered by an adult. immediately, I jump in to the hole and landed easily in the center of the room.

I look around, trying to figure out the situation around me. I found the king stand in the corner of the room, his body stiffened and look at me with round eyes. what? did he scared? shocked? well, that's normal. his room was infiltrated by me, a top assassin, so that reaction was as expected.

eh? wait-

His eyes, he began curious? and he walk slowly to me? what the hell is this king? I know the king is a stupid king, always talk about peace and other bullshit, but I didn't mean this stupid!! well, yeah I want to talk to him peacefully, but didn't his reaction was wrong? I mean, my pride, ughhhh....

" who are you, miss? can I help you?"

miss?? why he know that I'm a girl? did my cover was blown? ah, I didn't realized that my hood was fell off, but even he see my face, didn't he would think that I'm just a beautiful boy?

"miss? What are- ah, that eyes!" because I didn't answer him, he come nearer and shocked when our eyes met.

Eyes? Ah, my red eyes. Is it strange to have a pair of red eyes here? Even though this is a fantasy world? Didn't a red hair is more strange? Ugh...

Okay, just forget it. focus, focus erza. Don't cry now. I didn't need to see arkath who laughing hard on the floor. Just calm.

"miss? Are you, perhaps, the princess Freizia?"

"princess???" I tilted my head, confused. Princess? What the hell? Freizia? Who is that? Ah, right, that's my name, I forgot. But, princess? Really? Ah see that arkath, even he shocked. Ufufufu...

"yes, your mother, yurie, often to bring you here when you just a baby. And you grow this beautiful... just like yurie."

Yurie? Who is that? My mother? Even I'm not remember her name. I just remember when.... The last time.

"you here mean that she was killed, I see. you have.... the mark, right?"

"....yes." I can feel my mood turn bad completely. He just talk about my mother was killed lightly with a sad face. Is that can make her come back? And even I didn't know that this yurie is my real mother or not!

"ah, I remember yurie left something for you. If I'm not wrong, it's a pendant and a book. That book I placed it in the library, but the pendant, I can give you after the party ended."

After the party ended? But you will die tonight! Ugh, I can't say it....

"okay, can I search the book in the library now? Ah, can you hide my identity as a girl? You can call me Yoru."

"alright. I'm sorry I can't tell you more about your mother. Even I didn't know much about her. She just come and leave like a storm." He said with an apologetic face.

"don't worry~" I said as I left the room from the door. The guard was shocked when they see me comeout from the room.

With arkath help, I found the library easily.

Such as libraries in general, at every corner of the room, I could see the piles of books everywhere. well, that's normal. okay, let's see if I can found the book....

And... I found it, of course! It's not that hard to find it. I mean, how can it be difficult to find an english book in the middle of piles of books in chinese and japanese?? Well, no one in this world can read it anyway.

I open the book, and found out that was a diary. My mother's?

But before I can read whatever that writen in that diary, I feel a presence someone, who come nearer where I stand now.


Reflex, I turned my body and send a kick to anyone who came. Indeed I can feel his presence, but I absolutely can not hear it approaching. He did not sound at all. And arkath? Yup, he shocked too.

And... what I see is....

Someone that I can't predict and expect at all...

Why is he here?!!!

Okay, that's it. Sorry, I'm really busy. But I'm happy I can write it again now, even though I can't finishing my homework TT-TT

don't worry, I can finish it tonight. Thanks for the support.... for who vote, comment or just read my messy fanfic.

ehem, so, see you next time (whenever I didn't busy enough to write)

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