Episode 14

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A few weeks of Jon Vander's intense piloting training went by and he and the other Onderonian pilots formed a Squadron of Y-wing bombers called Specter Squadron. They were Bat Squadron's pilots until Bat and the others were ready to fly. Ian's minor injuries from his crash had healed. Bat and the rest of his team had passed his flight training but weren't quite ready to fly yet. Jon Vander walked into the command center with Lieutenant Verlaine and Captain Mordan.

"Hey Bat." Jon says.

"Hey Dutch." Bat says turning toward him.

"Anything you need us to do?" Jon asks.

"Yeah actually. Could you take the new guy, Frix, I think his name is. Could you take him on your mission to take out that imperial convoy that's going to pass by later?" Bat asks.

"Can do." Jon says and walks out with the other 2.

A few hours later, the pilots ran to their ships in the hangar. They soar out of the hangar and the sinkhole and the Y-wings fly directly toward a convoy of 4 imperial Gozanti-Class freighters.

"What's the play boss?" A young dark skinned man with a thin mustache asks.

"Just follow my lead, Grizz. We're going to disable them with ion torpedoes and blast them apart with proton bombs after that." Jon says.

"Copy that Specter Lead." Another pilot says.

"You copy? Specter 5, Specter 8, cover Specter 2. Specter 6, specter 9, cover Specter 3. Specter 7, specter 10, you're with me." Jon says.

"Copy that!" Specter 5 says as she follows Specter 5 and Captain Mordan.

"We're on it boss." Specter 6 says and follows Specter 9 and Lieutenant Verlaine.

"I'm right behind you!" Grizz, Specter 7, yells as he follows Jon with Specter 10.

The imperial frigates open fire on the rebel bombers and deploy a squadron of Tie fighters after them.

"I've got one on my tail!" Specter 8 yells.

"Circle my way and I'll get them off." Jon tells him.

Specter 8 flies toward Jon with the Tie fighter in pursuit and flies right in front of Jon. He opens fire and blows the Tie fighter apart. Another Tie fighter behind Jon explodes and he turns.

"I got one!" Grizz yells.

"Good job." Jon says smiling.

"We're starting out run on the freighters now." Captain Mordan says.

"Copy that." Jon says and watches as the 3 bombers hit 2 of the frigates with ion torpedoes then circle back around and rip them apart with proton bombs. The Tie fighters start trying to swarm them.

"They didn't seem to like that!" Specter 5 yells and looks back at 2 Tie fighters following her.

"There's too many!" Mordan yells.

"Help me! Help me! Hell-AGHH!" Specter 8 yells as his Y-wing is torn apart by green streaks.

"We're starting our run on the freighter." Lieutenant Verlaine says and they disable another freighter then blow it apart with proton bombs.

"One left. Let's do this." Grizz says.

The freighters fire at them.

"I'm hit!" Verlaine screams as he's blown apart by a stray blaster bolt.

"Specter 3 is down." Mordan says.

"I've taken a hit! I'm headed back to base!" Specter 5 yells and she heads down toward the planet as her fighter trails smoke.

As she reenters the planet's atmosphere her left engine erupts in flames and the fighter starts shaking.

"Aghhh! Blast!" She yells as she dives toward the ground and does her best to pull up on the controls.

"No! No! Ahhhh!" She screams before her ship slams into the ground and bounces off and spins, killing her on impact.

"Specter 5 is down!" Mordan yells as Jon and his group rip apart the last transport.

"Let's clean up the last of these fighters and head back to base." Jon says and shoots down another Tie fighter.

"Ha! Got one!" Specter 10 yells.

"Don't get cocky! That's how you get shot down!" Jon yells.

"What the- my ship's malfunctioning!" Mordan yells.

"What do you mean?" Jon asks.

"I don't kno- AGH!" Mordan yells as his controls explode in his face, knocking him out.

His fighter implodes and Jon watches in shock.

"What the-" he starts.

The last Tie fighters are destroyed and Specter Squadron heads back down toward the base. They land and everyone climbs out of their fighters.

"What happened?" Bat asks Jon.

"We lost Specter 2, Specter 3, Specter 5 and Specter 8." Jon tells Bat.

"This imperial pilots were a little better than a few others we've encountered." Specter 6 says.

"Me, Wesley, Four and Diro will fill in the positions for your missing pilots until you find replacements." Bat tells him.

"Alright...well in that case, welcome to Specter Squadron." Jon says and Bat nods to him as they shake hands.

"Now you need flight helmets." Specter 4 says.

"I think we have a few extra." Jon says as he takes his helmet off.

His had a checkered pattern on it with the Specter Squadron emblem on the side.

Bat, Wesley, Four and Diro were handed white flight helmets with the Specter Squadron emblem on the side and a wing emblem to represent proficiency with bombers

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Bat, Wesley, Four and Diro were handed white flight helmets with the Specter Squadron emblem on the side and a wing emblem to represent proficiency with bombers.

Bat Squadron: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now