6: Silver, Magic

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Two weeks later, Harry strolled into his room announcing he wanted to teach Draco a spell because he needed to be better at instructing for his job. Draco sighed and reluctantly agreed, he wasn't fond of being taught new things, he felt that Hogwarts had already taught him everything he needed to know. He followed Harry out into the main room where he was going to teach him it.

He was told the spell was called a patronus, which of course Draco had heard of, but Hogwarts didn't teach them it. Harry explained the premise of the spell, it wards of dementors, which greatly came in handy in Harry's job, he explained how it needed happy memories to work. At that Draco panicked, he didn't think he had any happy memories to use, none from his childhood, none from his student years, and none from now.

"Uh, um, Harry? I don't think I can do this spell." Draco said quietly and nervously. He was scared to admit this but he also felt the need to tell him this as the spell wouldn't work without it.

"What? Why?" Harry asked with an extremely confused tone, in his mind he felt it to be a fairly simple spell, all you needed was a happy memory.

Draco lowered his head, afraid to admit it, he didn't want Harry to feel neglected because they did loads together that could be happy memories, but all he could think about during those times was, is this real? Or is he pretending to like me? Which ruined oh so many of his memories.

"I, well, I don't think I have any memories I could use." He said quietly and sat down on the sofa behind them. He saw Harry frown a bit as he sat down beside him.

"Well," Harry said simply, "Why don't I give you a happy memory?" he slowly leaned over towards Draco and pressed a small kiss against his cheek.

Draco could feel his cheeks go red as warmth spread from the place where Harry's soft lips had landed on his cheek. His head felt fuzzy and he couldn't think straight, had Harry just kissed him? He had, hadn't he? He spoke, a bumbling mess, "I-I well I s-suppose I have one now." He had a small smile on his face, which was strange since he hadn't smiled in years. It felt nice, different.

"Good." Harry smiled, standing up from the sofa and holding out a hand for Draco. He grabbed it and got up with his help as Harry explained the spell over again and they practiced well into the day.

From their on, Draco got better. His condition lessened, but come a few months, it would worsen again.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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