3: Insomnia, Shaking

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Draco sat awake, blinking at the ceiling, he rolled over to look at the muggle clock beside his bed, one AM. He was lucky he didn't have work the next day, because his insomnia was particularly bad that night. He focused on the swirling pattern of his ceiling, trying to put himself to sleep, no success.

He slowly crept out of bed into the kitchen, he went to the cupboards and got out a cup, then he filled it with milk and muttered a small spell to heat it up. He leaned against the counter and slowly drank the warm milk, he hoped that it would make him tired and possibly distract him, but all it did was bring back harsh memories from his childhood. He slumped down onto the floor and pulled his legs up to his chest, holding the them tightly with his arms. At first only a few small tears fell from his eyes, but then gradually built up to heavy sobs and violent shaking. He didn't want to wake up Harry, but it was too late, he could here his flatmates door open and soft footsteps walking towards the kitchen.

"Draco?" Harry asked quietly, "Are you okay?" He slowly sat down beside him, eyeing him with concern.

Draco didn't say anything he just dug his head into his knees, he was embarrassed to be found like this, he didn't like people seeing him cry. He looked up when he felt Harry's arm wrap around his shoulders and pull him closer. He could tell how shocked his was face was when Harry let out a small chuckle at his expression.

Harry stood up and held out his hand, "here, come on let's go back to bed, you can sleep in my bed, it might help."

Draco looked at the hand in shock, Harry wanted him to come into his bed? Slowly, he took his hand and stood next to him. He spoke softly and was scarcely heard by Harry, "okay."

The two walked to Harry's room at the end of the hallway, still holding hands and Draco sniffling the whole way. Once they got to the room Harry pulled back to the covers and mentioned for Draco to get in. He got in slowly and wrapped himself in the warm blankets, his bed felt different, almost better, simply because it wasn't his.

Harry turned to him and quietly said "If you need anything wake me up, okay?" he finished with a small smile before rolling over and closing his eyes. Draco could tell he was tired, he breathing evened out very quickly and he could tell he had fallen asleep.

Slowly, but eventually Draco fell asleep, with his legs curled in and his body leaned towards Harry. 

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