Chapter 36: Vincent

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Chapter 36: Vincent

I stepped in front of Ivory protectively. She was already crying, her blue tears staining the floor. Looking behind my shoulder, I saw that she had fallen into a crouching position, hands clutching her head as if she were trying to keep it from breaking into billions of pieces. I was just as surprised at the sight, I had never imagined seeing him again. He broke her heart, killed her mother, took away her trust in me in the blink of an eye. It was none other than Agent Ivan himself, in all his glory, pointing a gun at my chest.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I bit out. I was seething. This man had no humanity left. He had hurt Ivory so much, over and over. He was the reason she had no family left, why she cries in her sleep, why she is broken. He must have seen the look of hatred on my face as he carefully lowered the gun.

"I escaped."

That threw me off. Escaped? What the hell was that supposed to mean? He wasn't kidnapped or doing things against his will, right?

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

He sighed, his face scrunched up in confusion as he looked past my back to Ivory, taking a step towards her.

"Don't you dare touch her! You've already caused her enough pain to last a life time! She doesn't need anymore, especially from the likes of you." I growled out through clenched teeth. The nerve! He flinched at my words before he put his hand into his coat, taking out a folded piece of paper before putting it on the ground. Taking a few steps backwards, hands up in surrender, he said,

"Read it."

"Why should I? For all I know, it's got poisonous acids all over it that'll disintegrate my hand!"

"Because its from Genevieve!"

I heard a whimper behind me. Turning around, Ivory was looking at me with pleading eyes, looking at the piece of paper on the floor then to me. Sighing,  I slowly inched towards it, never taking my eyes off of his. Snatching up the sheet, I quickly retreated back to Ivory, crouching down and passing her the sheet of paper. Warily, I stood up, staring at Ivan with as much disgust as I could.

I heard an intake of breath come from Ivory's direction. I stood my ground, watching Ivan, making sure he stayed still.

I saw Ivory stand up in the corner of my eye. She came up beside me and stood right next to me, cupping her hand in my ear, and whispered two words:

"He's Simon."

Taking the sheet of paper off of her, it read:


Dearest Ivory and Vincent,

If you are reading this, then Ivan should have found you by now. This is hard to explain, so I will tell you every thing from the start. Vincent, you may want to read this part.

Before Ivory was born, her father lived on the island with me. His name was Simon. He was my colleague, and after meeting him, two years later he became my fiancée. After being pregnant with Ivory for 3 months, Simon got sick. So sick, that I had to contact my company and tell him about what was happening, something I rarely did. One day, Simon got too sick; he was dying. I immediately asked for a helicopter. 5 hours later, a black helicopter arrived to take him away. The people had Russian accents, but I dismissed it; I was too worried about him to notice anything. We came up to each other, whispered our wedding vowels into each others ears as our goodbye; no priest, no dress, only us. Just how we liked it. Then it was time for him to go. Two weeks later, a helicopter came to the island  again, with a letter saying Simon didn't make it. The crew found out I was pregnant, and from then on, a doctor would come weekly, until she just stayed with me. Ivory was finally born, and the doctor left. After a week, the company asked how we were going. I told them Ivory was fine. Then they asked about Simon. I reminded them what happened. They just listened, then cut the line. They knew nothing about this.

After weeks and weeks of digging, we had found out that Simon had been abducted, and that he was assumed dead. They wanted him for information of research on the island, how things were going, what we knew. I thought he was dead, at least, until three weeks ago.

Ivan is Simon. He's been brainwashed, and has been working for the Russian Agency against his own will. And in case you don't believe me,

In the hole, under the doormat, is the vial.

I love you, Ivory, and I am sorry that this happened to you. So, so sorry. I hope that with my death, you will find new life. Promise me one thing. Don't be sad. Instead, celebrate my life, all I did, all I achieved. Celebrate yourself. I created you, you are my beautiful pearl. Be happy, don't let the tears fall, don't be sad, don't cry.

With love,

Genevieve Carter Rose

"How do you know that they didn't bribe her to write this?" I asked, unbelieving of the note in front of me."

"It's true." She answered, looking at me with wide eyes. "She wouldn't tell anyone our secret. I know she wouldn't. It's all true. He's Simon."

A throat clearing caught our attention and there was Agen- Simon.

"Yes, it's all true. Ever since then, I have been looking for ways to escape."

I kept thinking. It didn't all add up.

"What about the news broadcast? You said it after Ms Rose died. Now everyone is afraid of her, of what she is."

"Exactly." Was all Simon said, "If no one gets close to her, then we can begin."

"Begin what?" Came a timid reply from behind me.




I know I took ages this time...but I've been busy!

I promise! Really, I'm not lying!

But! Guess what?

One more chapter to go!

don't worry!

It's a trilogy!

Well, gtg,

Hope you enjoyed!

Missy May

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