Chapter 19: Ivory

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Straight to the story, boys 'n' girls!

Chapter 19: Ivory

My body was sore as I fell to the ground. A sharp pain was in my neck, but I slowly felt sleepy as the effects of the sedative took over my body.

As I slept, a dream came to my mind:

I was running. Fast as I could. Blood ran down my face, arms, legs and torso, staining the black dress I wore.

And chasing me were an army of people.

Only, they weren't people.

They looked just like me. I looked down at my hands. They weren't white, but the same colour I was before the experiment.

My legs grew tired. Suddenly, a door appeared a few metres away from where I stood. I ran towards it, but the more I ran, the further away it got.

Suddenly I felt a punch on my back. A loud crack filled the silent black room, as the army of aliens caught up with me.


My eyes flung open. It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare. But no matter how hard I tried to tell myself this, I kept crying, checking the colour of my skin and looking around the room for any armies coming to kill me. That's when I noticed where I was.

The room was so white, almost shining from the reflective, glossy tiles that covered the walls and floors. There were lots of beds, some of them had curtains beside that had yet to be drawn. All the beds were white too, with a thin sheet and hard pillow. Looking around the bed, I saw a monitor. It looked like it had my heart beat on it.

Only, it wasn't beating.

I stared in shock as a nurse walked into the room. Seeing that I was awake, she walked over to me.

"Hello, honey. How are you feeling?"

She spoke English well. I had noticed lots of people here seemed to speak Russian. But where was here?

"Where am I? Where's my mummy?"

"Your mummy is here, hun.

If your a good girl, you can go and meet her, okay?"

"Okay. But miss, umm?"

"Call me Sally."

"Okay. Miss Sally, why isn't my heart beating?"

She took in a deep breath. She didn't look too keen to tell me. Something about her face told me I wasn't going to like this.

At all.

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