Chapter 5: Ivory

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Chapter five: Ivory

I woke up feeling dazed. Everything around me was blurry. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I heard noises, but I couldn't make them out. they were loud, so so loud. I put my finger up to my mouth. I let out a "shh" sound, and close my eyes once more.

Five hours later

I woke up with a jump. My Heart was pumping fast. Something was strange. I looked out the window. And, surprisingly, I could see everything! There were two ants climbing up a tree around 30 metres away from me. But, I could also hear something to. I could hear the tapping of the ant's feet as they walked! I could hear the birds chirping as if they sang their sweet song right next to me. I could see each individual spec of dust as the breeze swept them off the ground.

This was so weird. I was trying to find out why this happened when suddenly, I heard footsteps.


"Ivory! You're awake!"

I saw a tear leave her eye as she ran over to hug me. Her hair was frazzled, a big mess upon her head. her eyes were full of tears that she was trying to hold back.

"Mum, why can I see everything?"

At first, my mother didn't understand the question. I explained to her about seeing the ants on the tree, and hearing their feet tap against the tree bark.

"This must be a side-affect of the Aeolia. Was that all you saw and heard? You didn't hear any other noises in the background?"

"No, I only heard the ants. Although, afterward, I could hear birds, chirping as if they were right next to me, and I could see individual specs of dust that was swept upward by the breeze."

My mother started to look off in the distance, her eyes were glazed over. Suddenly, she spoke,

"I'm sorry, honey. I didn't think that it would do this to you. "

She leaned onto me and started to cry. Tears were streaming down her face and wetting my shoulder.

"Mum, what's wrong?"

She turned her face away from me, as if she felt guilty and shameful for something. After a pause of silence, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and looked at me straight in the eye.

"I think you should see this for yourself."

She walked over to the room next door. At first, I thought she was going to leave the conversation there, but she returned after a few moments. I heard her mutter under her breath,

"She'll never forgive me."

I looked at her curiously, thinking what she was talking about. She say down on the bed, let out a big sigh, and said,

"Ok, honey, I think you deserve an explanation. Three days ago, I injected you with a chemical called Aeolia, that I had recently discovered. Do you remember me asking you to let me experiment on you?"

She looked at me, wanting an answer. I simply nodded and urged her to continue with her explanation. She took in another big breath before she continued,

"Well, before I tested it on you, I tested it on my own blood. Honey, I thought that it could create some kind of super-human, I thought it could save lives. I never thought it would do this to you."

She started crying again. The tears wouldn't stop running down her face. Then she handed me a mirror.

"I'm sorry." was all she said as I brought the mirror to my face. And what I saw, was the biggest shock of all.

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