Things the signs might say 2

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Things the signs might say 2

Aries: Pisces, tell him where he can put his grapes.

Pisces: In the fridge.

Aries: No, Pisces-


Sagittarius: Guess what I'm doing today?

Libra: Becoming a productive member of society?

Sagittarius: Come on, Libra. At least be realistic.


Capricorn: So, what's your problem today?

Libra: They're always using normal words incorrectly.

Aquarius: Cry me a table and build me a paper.


Sagittarius: Is Aries always like this when they lose?

Leo: Oh yes, you should've been here for the great jenga tantrum of 2008.



Libra: Look, I think it's only fair to warn you that I'm extremely skilled in the ancient art of origami.

Taurus: You mean paper-folding?

Libra: I was hoping you wouldn't know what origami was.

Pisces: Okay,  so when you're done with you tea, I'll look at the leaves and tell you your fortune.

Libra: Okay, I'm done. Read mine.

Pisces: I see a ladder, which can either mean a promotion, or a violent death.


Libra: Well, I don't have a job, so I can't get promoted.

Pisces: Mhm, mhm. Who's next?


Virgo: What are you, 12?

Leo: On a scale of 1-10? Yea.


Sagittarius: *pulls shower curtain back while Cancer is in the shower*

Sagittarius: Are we- stop screaming, it's just me- out of Cheetos?


Cancer: I hate you!

Capricorn: I hate you too!

Cancer: *sobbing* Y-you what?


Pisces: What country has the most birds?

Aries: Portu-geese.

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