Chapter 9: Celebratory Dinner

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Chapter 9: Celebratory Dinner

A boring Monday morning leads to an awful cafeteria lunch. "So I heard about your near-death experience." Hunter says, slamming his tray next to mine and sitting down. Some of his mash flick into his blonde locks and I wipe it with a serviette.

"Uh I don't know what your talking about." I reply slyly.

"Your hesitation gives it away. Might as well confess." Tim says. I groan and recount the story. Once we're finished Hunter lets out a long whistle. "Damn. Sam is one lucky guy isn't he?" I punch him in the shoulder playfully.

"Just don't bring it up. It's majorly embarrasing. Mika ambushed me this morning and just rolled there laughing." I say. Once we've finished lunch I bid Tim and Hunter good luck at there football tryouts. That reminds me of cheer tryouts in 2 weeks. "Guess I need some training gear." I say absent mindedly.

I run up to Mika's room and ask to borrow her car. "Uh well I have to pick someone up later so only take an hour or so." She says, passing me the keys. "Sure. Who are you picking up?" I ask casually.

"Oh, no-one." She says, closing the door. As I drive to the mall I think about Mika's 'no-one'.

Is this no-one the guy in her photo frame? Something tells me she's got a secret. I find the stuff I need and return the keys to a dressed up Mika. She avoids my questions and dashes out the door so I decide to hang out on the floor common room. Hunter trudges in looking muddy and tired, taking a seat next to me. "How was it?" I ask, as he deflates on the couch.

"Killer. But I made it." He replies.

"Aw congrats! I'd hug you if you weren't so muddy." He grins but then turns towards me and grabs me for a hug. I spin around and when he sets me down I'm dazed. "You suck!" I laugh, pounding on his chest. He wipes some mud from my arm and trudges off downstairs for a shower. I read for a bit in the room until it's time for dinner.

I'm getting up to order pizza when the door swings open and Sam and Rohan walk in. "We're all going out for a celebratory dinner for those football meatheads. Well except Mika and Chuck. She's out and he's drowning in homework. Come on get dressed!" He says. I roll my eyes and pull out a dress shirt and jeans. Sam grabs them from me and scoffs.

"You're so boring sometimes Callies you know that?" He says, handing them back. I ignore the comment, get changed, twist my hair up and grab my purse. The other boys are waiting downstairs for us. "Took your time!" Tim says, putting his arm around my shoulder and walking casually. "I know right." Rohan says, mimicking Tim's actions. "Are y'all ready to party!" He says.

Tim, Hunter and Sam hoot at him. Oh brother, I've got myself caught up in a boys night out. We call for a taxi and 20 bucks later arrive at a bar. "Wow great, you guys have to protect me from the arseholes who hit on girls even when they're with other guys." I say. Hunter squeezes my arm. "Don't worry I'll take care of you." The pretty waitress takes our orders and we start talking.

"I wish I hadn't chosen Calc. It's the most boring thing in the world. I'd rather do cheerleading." Rohan says, sipping his beer. "Well come to tryouts with me next week." I grin at him. "You've got a deal." He says. The night progresses and we realise we have two drunks among us. Tim keeps cracking terrible jokes while Rohan speaks meaningfully about the importance of apples.

"Maybe we should walk home, get them sobered up." Hunter suggests. We all agree a half an hours walk should do them good. I guess foresight is real because after 10 minutes of unsteady walking, Tim begins to vomit. "Oh that's nasty!" Sam says, covering his nose. "Come on let's leave him to fix them up." Hunter says, tugging me along.

"So how was your meal?" He asks, hands in pockets, kicking the gravel on the footpath. "Eh the chicken was pretty average. Your's looked better." I say. His well plated parmigana made my mouth water.

"That's cos' the chef has a soft spot for me. I can't help being so devastatingly handsome." He says, grinning. I laugh.

"Yeah it isn't your fault you were born with that face." I say, blushing after realising what I said. We stop and he looks at me but I try to just watch Tim empty his stomach. Hunter opens his mouth but Sam shouts at us. "Hey a little help here!" I give Hunter a look and we run over and prop them up. After the agonizing walk back we clomp up the stairs.

Tim gives us all a huge happy hug while talking about some purple mangoes before walking into the room and collapsing on Hunter's bed. Hunter shakes his head and gives me a hug before attending to Tim. Once we get to our room I walk to the dresser and straighten everything out.

I can feel Sam's eyes burned to my back and speak. "What?" He seems startled and just replies with a shrug. "Nothing. You and Hunter were cosy tonight weren't you?" I'm taken aback by the question but shrug nonchalantly. "Anyway, nighty night Leah." He says.

"Nighty night."


A/N: Drop me a vote/follow/comment if you want more! This story is still a work in progress so stay tuned! xx

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