Chapter 3: Freshman Orientation

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Chapter 3: Freshman Orientation

After a few hours of settling in, Sam and I make our way down to the main common room. It's on the first floor so we have to make the whole way down. A squat woman with a tight grey bun stands waiting for the rowdy students to quiet down. They sit around on couches and at tables chattering.

"I don't know anyone here." I tell Sam. Despite my initial reluctances about him he is, after all, the only person I'm acquainted with. "Don't worry I have your back. I know some people even though I'm not from here."

"Well I'm from near by and I don't know anyone. Where do you hail from?"

"Ohio. I was the star athlete." I grin and he leads me over to some seats. "Already got yourself a girlfriend Sam?" A burly asian says. "No we're actually room mates." I say. A good looking blonde boy speaks up. "Thankgod! Nice to meet you, I'm Hunter." He says, shaking my hand. I grin at him "Leah Callies. Sports major."

"Nice, I major in sports too but I'm here on a football scholarship. Same with Tim." He says, gesturing to the asian guy. "Not bad." I say. We all chat until the lady calls for our attention. "So today is our first day of O week. My name is Mrs Shertling and I'm going to be your guide for your first year of University. Now some of you will only make it to first term. Others will drop out. But we want you to know of our expectations. We expect hard work, dedication and good behaviour from all of you." She makes a point of silence.

"Now it's no surprise that the older students like to engage you in some traditional festivities. But let it be known, that if anything damaging property or illegal takes place, you'll be expelled immediately. It goes on your permenant record and you will find that enrolling anywhere else will be extremely difficult. So proceed with caution. You all have your timetables and for the next week you will be attendting your classes to get settled in for the year." She smiles slightly.

"Good luck to you all. If you need to contact me then the info is on the billboard." She says, pointing to it. We're dismissed for dinner. The kitchen has a cook for an hour each meal and we all grab a bowl of macaroni. "Not exactly an exciting feast is it?" Tim says, prodding the yellow pasta. "What dorm are you guys in?" Sam asks, spooning cheesy mac in his mouth.

"Dorm 3 room 8. Thankfully most are newbies. Unlucky for you."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"There's only 3 freshman rooms on your floor so you're gonna be targets. Sucks." I make a disgruntled face. "Don't worry I'll protect you." Sam says, putting his arm around my shoulder. I shrug it off. "No thankyou." And the boys laugh at a very pink Sam.

When we've finished the meal we check the floor lists. "So there's two other boys and two other girls on our floor." I say. Sam starts up the stairs. "Come on, let's meet the others in our dorm then." He says. Each dorm has a seperate little common room in the middle as well as a kitchen. Sam walks to ours and sits himself in front of a cheap tv. I follow shyly and spot two age old computers.

"You have a laptop right?" I ask him. He's absorbed in the TV but responds. "No, I uh, I broke mine." Oh well, not my problem. There's a few other students sitting around but I don't want to introduce myself so I sit on a lounge chair with a book. The redhead I saw earlier walks in with a few other girls and scans the room. She sees Sam and sits herself down next to him on the couch.

"Hey gorgeous. I'm Simone." She says. He looks at her and grins. "Sam. You a freshman?"

"Third year on a cheerleading scholarship." She says flirtily.

"Not bad. My friend over there is a bit of a cheerleader herself. Maybe you can fill her in on the program." He says, pointing at me. I curse him mentally. She drags her eyes away from him and looks at me. "Come here." She says.

I make my way over and sit on the edge of the couch. "Hi." I say.

"Hey. So you want to be in the squad huh?"

"Uh yeah I'll try out."

"Great. We need another pretty face like yours. What's your name?"

"Leah. I major in sport."

"Well Leah our tryouts are in about 3 or 4 weeks so we hope to see you there." She smiles at me so I smile back and nod.

Thankfully she and her posse leave to meet some other older kids. I leave Sam to his devices and have a shower, making sure the door is closed. I pull the curtain shut and let the warm water pour over me. "Don't mind me I'm just brushing my teeth." I freeze. "Sam?"

"Leah." I hear the grin in his voice.

"Get out." I command, covering my chest just in case.

"Not until I've brushed them." He turns the tap on and I'm assaulted by cold water. "Sam!" I shout, hopping foot to foot. He continues for five minutes, taking as long as possible to gargle while I stand there fuming. "It's all yours." He says, finally leaving. Extremely pissed, I shut off the water and get out. Where's my towel? I panic. Oh, I know.

"Samuel Jolen!" I scream, probably waking the entire city. I hear no reply. I look around for anything to cover myself. The shower curtain will break if I take it off. There's nothing else. I duck behind the door and open it a smidge. He's not there. But my towel is. I take my chance and dry off with expert speed. I pull out my (thankfully modest) pajamas and put on my underwear.

I guess I'll be wearing bra's to bed. I'm wiggling into my pj pants when the door opens. "God Sam!" I shout, hiding behind my bed. "Damn girl."

"I loathe you." I say to him, pulling on my singlet. "You keep saying that honey. I think I'm going to take a shower too." I grumble at him and check my phone. A few.messages from my mum asking how I am.

Well mum, I'm roomed with a sexy moron, and I can't change that. I just tell her it's nice here. When I'm settled in bed with my book, Sam walks out of the bathroom. Half-naked. "Put a shirt on whore." I say to him, avoiding his well defined chest. "I know you love it it's ok."

"I loathe you." I say, switching the wall light off and turning on my side. "You love me? I knew it." He says.


A/N: It'a getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes ;-) Whoop a few characters introduced and some hot interactions hey? Drop me a vote/follow if you wanna read more. Stay tuned xx

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