Chapter 5: New Company

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Chapter 5: New Company

After a short ride we found ourselves at the closest Macdonald's. A few soggy fries and burgers later, we pile back in and drive. "I'm an art and interior design student." Mika says, driving along. "Heard you four are all sports majors."

"Yeah but we're not stupid. Well Leah and I aren't." Hunter says. Everyone laughs even Tim and Sam. "Yeah, yeah you'll be laughing when I knock you over when we play ball again." Tim says. We pull into campus just as some other students are spreading out on the grounds. Simone sits with a large group of people, obviously the height of popularity.

I realise I've been staring at them way too long because Sam comes to my side and says, "Jealous huh?"

I scoff. "Of dyed hair and bimbos?"

"So you don't like her? That's all the more reason for me to seduce her."

"I don't mind her they're just irritating and you're a freshman and out of your league." He swings around in front of me and I stop in my tracks. "I accept your challenge Leah."

I push him away to catch up with the others. "Guys I've got to work on my room. Do you wanna come Leah?" Mika says. I agree to, and bid the others goodbye until dinner. "I have the freakiest roomate!" Mika says as we walk up the stairs. She's only on the second floor thankfully. "I think she's keeping a squirrel in her bed. But other than that it's pretty nice."

"At least you're not rooming with Sam." I say as we reach her door."Are you kidding? He's hot! I actually thought you were dating."

I make a grossed out face. "Hell no.He's the new bane of my existence."

Mika shrugs and opens her door. Inside it's messy, colourful and way different than what I would expect in a dorm room. There's a double bed with purple covers on them and an assortment of pillows.

"My roomie doesn't mind all the space I'm taking up. All she needs is to feed on human souls." I laugh and walk over to her shelf scanning over all her books and picture frames. There's pictures of her and her friends but one jumps at me of her and a boy, only their backs facing the camera, bathed in shadow. "Now who's this mysterious man?" I ask her. She smiles cheekily.

"It's a secret. Anyway, come and look at my scrapbook from home. I actually come from New Orleans." So I do. After an afternoon of bonding over chocolate and photos Mika and I have microwave dinners. "Hey I'm getting back to my room. Hopefully Sam isn't there."

"Well meet me in the common room tommorow Leah." When I get to my room at 7 it's thankfully empty.

I turn my laptop on and send long messages to everyone back at home. Even though they aren't far away our schedules are so busy. I knock over a bit of studying and settle into bed at 10. Sam isn't here so assume he's staying with a friend or having a fling with a girl. A giggling noise wakes me. Really? The second night? I know the sounds of university slut. And manwhore.

I dare a peek in the dark at the company Sam has brought in. The shadows that aren't making any attemps to be quiet are definitely those of a tall boy and a busty girl. Shit shit shit shit. They find their way onto the bed, slurping noises infiltrating my once sound sleep. Yep I can't do this. They seem pretty engaged in their make-out so I take my chance and slip out the door.

The dark hallways are empty and for once, the lifts are working. I punch in floor two and bang my fist on Mika's door. "Babe be a little quieter next time or my roomie will eat you." She says, pulling her headphones off. "Why are you up?"

I ask her, sitting quietly on her plush bed. "The vibes are good at 2am." She says.

"Well thankgod for that or I'd be stuck in that room."

"Sam has company doesn't he?"

"Uh huh."

"Second day of University and you're already having the time of your life."

"Oh for sure. Can I sleep here tonight?'

"Yeah I have a mattress under my bed." She says, throwing a blanket at me. I pull it out and tuck myself in. "Hey Mika thanks. I mean we only just met but Uni's been pretty full on already."

"Hun I care not about anything like that. Go with the breeze yo." I laugh. "Good night."




"Warmed up?" I'm asked by Hunter. Our first practical lesson at the ripe old time of 9am is underway. He lunges, his shirt tight against his clothes. "Yeah I got up early and went for a jog."

"Ah I heard about Sam's lady company." I groan.

"I bunked with Mika. Thankgod for that girl." We stretch together for a while and run a warmup lap. "That was good.

This should be our thing."

Hunter says as we sip our water. "Yeah we can do it again." I agree. If I'm not mistaken I see a blush. Boys. I'm not used to much male attention. If I've already got an admirer than it's going to get complicated really fast. We get a brief pep talk from our teacher Bryan. "Now because we aren't a sporting school you only get one practical lesson, so if you don't put in your extra training you won't be fit enough for your exams."

"Better lay off those burgers Timmyboy." Hunter says.

"Please I'm just bulking." We all laugh until we're told off. "Ok guys let's start off the fitness course." It turns out to be a whole lot of running up and down stairs and throwing balls at eachother. "So where's Sam?" Tim asks me as him, I and Hunter do sit-ups. "Beats me. He's probably still in bed."

When I get back from lunch with Mika he isn't. But something else is. A huge bow sits on a wooden shelf. A wooden bookshelf. In our room. Sam pushes open the door, a coke in his hand. "Aw I wanted it to be a surprise!" He says, coming over to me. "Did you buy a bookcase?"

"Hooray! It's your home warming gift! Consider this the ice-breaker in our roomateship." He says, arms open wide.

"Uh, well thanks." I go over to the stack of books I have and arrange them. "What no hug?"

"How about a high 5?" I say.

"Good enough." I reach up high and our hands connect but he grabs it and pulls me to his chest. "Hey Leah."

"Yeah." I say, my voice quieter, shying away from our closeness.

"Your welcome." He says before releasing me and winking as he walks out of the room.


A/N: Hey sorry this chapter wasn't very spicy. I just wanted to see some development in Mika and Leah's friendship :-) Drop me a vote/follow if you want more. Stay tuned xox

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