Chapter 1: Registration Error

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Chapter 1: Registration Error

I push my way through the tide of new students and to the Registration Desk. The plump receptionist is flat out as she passes timetable around and types on her computer. Somehow I find myself at the front of the line. The hot Californian day is definitely not ideal for the start of Orientation week.

"Leah Callies, major in Athletic and Fitness training." The woman scans through her pile and comes to the sport section. "Here you go. You're in Dorm 4 and room 5, shared with Sam Jolen. Welcome to California State University." She says, handing me a timetable and key. I hold the timetable for dear life and look at all the students faces. Their expressions vary from terrified to excited.

The lifts aren't working so I take the stairs to Dorm 4. I've heard the lifts are always faulty. My dorm's on the top level so I'll definitely be able to stay fit this year. At one floor away I encounter a cluster of students. An obviously dyed redhead wearing some boldly styled clothes stands talking to two muscular guys. She twirls her locks and giggles.

Great. This place is already filled with bimbos. I walk past them and continue to my room. Shoving the key into the lock, I open the door and am pleasantly surprised. The room is more spacious then I expected. There's two single beds on either side of the room, a single dresser that we'll share and thankfully, a small bathroom that branches off to the side.

I choose the bed on the left and make my way around the room. It'll probably take me a while to get used to sharing tv's and kitchens in the common room but it's got to better than my irritating siblings and parents. Where is Sam? She's taking her sweet time. If everything goes to plan we'll be bestie roomates even though I don't always get along with girls as well.

I decide to unpack. In the bathroom I leave my toiletries and check how I look. The denim shorts and singlet I'm wearing are perfect for this weather. I comb my straight, medium brown hair down my back. I grew it out longer trying to go for a different look. My spring green eyes could use some mascara but I decide not to bother. No boys this year, only study.

I'm sorting my clothes into the drawer when I come across my lingerie. I'm not a virgin but my only serious relationship ended a few months ago so I haven't been up to much. Our 'long-distance' relationship just wouldn't work, apparently. "They're nice." A voice says from the door, breaking my train of thought and frightening me at the same time. A tall dark haired boy stands there, suitcases behind him and sly grin on his face.

"What the hell! Get out of here!" I scream. He seems unfazed, an air of badboy confidence about him and stays there, eyeing me up and down. "You'd look good in them. Care for a demonstration?" He says. I give him a look of utter disgust and speak once again. "This isn't your room! Leave you pervert!" He glances lazily down at his timetable. "So this isn't Dorm 4 room 5?" I make a confused face. He must be lying. "And your name isn't Leah Callies?" I open my mouth in shock and he grins triumphantly. "Thought so. Nice to meet you Leah. I'm Sam, your new roomie."


A/N: Hey amazing readers! This is a playful romance for all y'all to enjoy. I hope you like it so far! Drop me a vote or follow if you want to read more. Stay tuned! xo

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