KOTLC React to this cringy thing I made with my friend (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Sophie: Just keep telling the story!

"When they walked in the halls, everyone laughed."

Dex: I bet Stina started it!

Biana: Shush!

"They didn't realize that they were wearing makeup,"

Tam: Well, duh!

Fitz: Hey, didn't it say that before?

"When Sophie came in and wiped the makeup off their faces, then yelled at Keefe for being an idiot."

Fitz, Dex, Biana, and Tam: *applauding Sophie*

Tam: I like this book now.

Clairebear: *appears* You won't soon! *disappears*

Sophie: What was that?

Biana: Oh no, not the author again!

"Biana giggled when Keefe and Sophie were yelling at each other."

Biana: That's pretty accurate actually.

"Then Keefe and Sophie threw pencils at each other,"

Keefe: Hey, didn't that happen in this book?

Dex: I bet the author wrote this part!

Tam: Great detecting, Sherlock.

Sophie: How do you know who Sherlock is?

Tam: I don't. The author just thought it was a good comeback.

Linh: Don't break the fourth wall!

"And one hit Biana,"

Biana: Hey!

Keefe: It was an accident! Wait, what?

"and then she started throwing pencils at them and one hit Dex and Fitz,"

Fitz: Did the same pencil hit both of us?

Sophie: Don't ask me!

Clairebear: *appears* Or me!

Fitz: But you wrote it!

Clairebear: Yes, but I don't understand it. *disappears*

Biana: Why does she keep doing that?

Linh: I dunno.

"And then they all threw pencils at each other. Dame Alina came in and yelled at them but she got impaled by a pencil and died."

Everyone: *shocked expression*

Sophie: Well, that escalated quickly.

Keefe: I'm thinking it's not just me that doesn't like Dame Alina.

"Tam and Linh came in and asked if they missed something. Everyone just laughed and started throwing pencils at dead Dame Alina to see which one came closest to stabbing her heart."

Everyone: *same shocked expression*

Biana: I wouldn't...

Fitz: Why did we...

Dex: Why did the author...

Keefe: Who would even...

Sophie: Why would they...

Clairebear: *appears again* I promise I didn't write that part.

Linh: Why are you...

Tam: Who wrote...

Clairebear: Whoakay then... *disapparates*

"Then Tam shadow traveled away with Linh because everyone was insane."

Tam: Yeah, that sounds like me.

"Fitz asked where Linh was, then leaped away to find her."

Keefe: Oh, Fiiiiiitz!

Fitz: *annoyed* Yes?

Keefe: Do you like anyoneee?

Fitz: Shut up, Keefe.

Keefe: It doesn't matter if you telll! I'm an empaaaaath! So I can tell what you're feeeeling!

Fitz: Shut up, Keefe!

Keefe: And I can tell that yooou liiiiike someooooooneeee!

Fitz: Keefe! *hits him*

Keefe: Fitz! *hits him back*

Fitz and Keefe: *fighting*

Sophie: Guys!

Fitz and Keefe: Sorry, Sophie.

-end of part 1-

A/N: Hey. Sorry I haven't published in long time. I'll try to put up the next part today, or if not, at least this week. (Also, I've spent a lot of time just replying to comment chains. You know who you are.)

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