Not Actually A React

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This Isn't a react, but it is an update. so I did this project a while ago, and for it I had to interview a book character. So I interviewed Sophie! (And Keefe) (Also, Alaria Reeves isn't my name)

Hi my Name is Alaria Reeves, and today on Eternalia radio news, I'm interviewing the mysterious Miss. F herself! Please welcome... Sophie Foster!

Sophie Foster: Hi everyone! Remind me again why I'm being interviewed.

Alaria Reeves: Because the council says so. What's your family life like?

SF: It's great! I have Grady and Edaline and they're both so kind, considerate, and helpful. Iggy, my pet imp is sometimes really annoying, but mostly really awesome! I also have Alden and Della, who are practically like family anyway, and all of my friends. Even Sandor is practically like family now!

AR: Your family life sounds great! What about your previous family? Do you miss your human family?

SF: When I first came here, I really, really, missed them, but I'm getting used to not having them around. I still miss them occasionally, but I'm better now, and whenever I'm sad Grady and Edaline comfort me.

AR: That's nice of them. Other than your family, do you miss your human life?

SF: Not really... I was the "child prodigy" that was 12 in high school. I also had to deal with the human thoughts that were always bombarding my brain. I know how to block now, but still... I do kind of miss my old neighbour, Mr. Forkle. He was old, and smelled like stinky feet, but he protected me from a jogger who tried to kidnap me, so those kind of even out.

AR: Kind of? Not to judge or anything... We've heard about your family, so what are your friends like?

SF: Umm... let's see... so, Dex is really nice and helpful, and he's always there if I need a shoulder to cry on. I just wish he would be friends with Fitz! Then there's Keefe, who's really funny and cheers me up whenever I need it. Sometimes he is so annoying though!

AR: Oh! We're getting a call! Hello?

Caller: Hey!

AR: Who is this?

Caller: It's Keefe Sencen! Hey Foster!

SF: Hi Keefe!

KS: Thanks for calling me annoying! And when you're talking about Fitz, make sure to tell us how cute he is! *click*

AR: *giggles*

SF: KEEFE! You better watch your back! Anyway, continuing on... There's Fitz, who I don't think is cute, Keefe! He's always kind and caring, and ready on standby to carry me to Elwin's. Finally, there's Biana, who I can always talk to about girl stuff, and can count on to be my partner at base quest.

AR: Oh! We have another caller! Hello?

Caller: Hi!

AR: Who is this?

Caller: Oh, this is Aris! Hi Sophie!

SF: Hi Aris!

AR: Do you have a question?

Aris: I was wondering what it's like being an inflictor.

SF: Great question, just great... It's a bit scary actually, but it's gotten me out of a lot of scrapes, and all in all, I appreciate having it. It's a good power to have, so long as you use it wisely.

Aris: Thanks for answering my question! *click*

AR: Thanks for that! We're still accepting calls! We'll be back after this commercial break!

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