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(Play Song)

Nylecoy's POV:

I woke up groggily to see all three girls staring at me. I smiled weakly. Kitt giggled and ruffled my hair as Aph and Bri smiled.

"Good. Your awake." My older sister said as I slowly sat up. "After that episode you threw, you fell asleep. We were worried that you wouldn't wake time..."

I felt the blood drain from my face.

"I-it's......almost....time? A-already?!" I panicked. I didn't want to go.

" slept for....quite a while..." Aph answered.

I clutched onto Kitt for dear life.

"N-no! I-I don't wanna go!! C-can't I just skip a day!! P-please! Everyday gets worse!!! I don't wanna! Ple-ase!! Don't send me back there!!!" I started to hyperventilate.

"Ny! NY! Calm down! Remember, we're going to be right outside the door. When it ends, just bolt out. None of the damage sustained really stays. You'll be alright." Briana said trying to calm me down.

"Easy for YOU to say. NONE of you have to do this everyday! You don't understand how it drives me insane. And because I'm the youngest, that's what this DAMN place does to me!" I started to yell.

"NY! CHILL! We all went through this before! When I got here, it was hard! The tests DID get harder, and I couldn't stand it." Briana said as she held my hand to calm me down.

"Yeah, and then I came and took over." Aphmau said shuddering a little. She still smiled and held my other hand.

"I get you two, but Kitt and I came together! And she's the oldest! She never went through what we did!" I said looking at Kitt. She looked away frowning. I could tell that we were both tearing up. Me out of fear, and Kitt...because I know that she feels guilty for that reason...and I yelled it anyway.

"Kitt I-"

"NO! I get it! You don't think I feel bad watching my little sister go into her worst fear everyday?! That I can't do anything?! I feel SO helpless!!!! Not a DAY goes by without me thinking that it should be me! That I SHOULD BE THE ONE!!" She interrupted. She swung around showing me her tears. Briana and Aphmau were quiet. I can tell that neither of them knew what to do.

"Kitt I didn't mean it like that I was just frustrated an-" I started to say but she cut me off by slapping me across the face with the back of her hand. Everyone froze as Kitt stormed away into her room. I held my hand to my cheek and felt the warm water rush from my eyes over my hand.


"Save it!" I spat at which ever girl was talking to me. I cut them off before I heard their voice. I got up and walked over to the grey crystalized door. I didn't want to do this. Every new day gave me nightmares.

Slowly, I opened the door. Before I stepped in, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Briana standing right there.

"Ny.....I......" she hesitated. "Just...remember not to speak. You know what'll happen...." she said as she gave me a hug. She let go and before she walked away she said, "Good luck....see you in an hour.'' Then walked to her room.

I sighed and turned around. I took a step inside and the door shut behind me.

"Welcome. Nylecoy. Preparing. Ready te-ERROR!ERROR!SYSTEM OVERRIDE! COMM-" the voice cut short. And a new voice took it's place. That's never happened before, has it? Did this happen to Bri or Aph at one point?

"Hehehehehe....Hello Nylecoy. As you may have heard, there was an error. Heheh...I will be taking over for now on.." Something about this voice made me shiver. It didn't feel.....right..

I opened my mouth to speak but stopped short. Don't you dare Ny! It'll be bad for all of us! I scolded myself inside my mind. The voice spoke again.

"Now. Get ready." It laughed creepily. I felt the floor beneath me heat up to extreme temperatures.

I kept jumping on my toes, but the temperature kept rising. When my right foot hit the ground again, I screamed. I heard the voice laugh before something grabbed my body and hoisted me up into the air. I felt my bones being pressured onto one another, and I know for a FACT that bodies don't work like this. I screamed even louder than before. Blood spurt out my mouth with every new level of strength this thing was doing. My vision was cloudy with tears and blood dripped from mouth in a rush.

"Heheheh, this is more fun than I anticipated..." The voice purred.

Just then, another thing held my head. I thought that this was to suffocate me. I started to panick.

"Now, this is my favorite part......hearing a CRACK!" It said. My eyes went wide and I coughed another mouthful of blood, but it ended up on my face due to my current position.

I felt the thing holding me from below move, and reposition around my leg. Wait...

That's when I felt my leg being crushed tight. I screamed for dear life. And I definitely heard a crack, or more.

The voice laughed.

I couldn't take it anymore, it wouldn't stop crushing my leg. My throat hurt since I haven't stopped screaming. I did the only thing I could think of...

"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I can so the voice can hear me through whatever held my head at this moment.

I heard nothing. But soon, the pressure in my leg decreased, not by a lot, but I no longer felt that thing on me, and what was holding me had dropped me on the floor. I landed with a slight yell, and a mouthful of blood spurring from me. I looked down and saw a gash in the side of my stomach.

"You've just made a big mistake speaking in here...Nylecoy.....LEAVE! Now..." the voice said, with each word laced with venom.

I saw the door light up in front of me. When I had touched the handle, it spoke again.

"Oh, and the injuries you've gained today, the only one that will fade will be your leg. And that pain will be put into your sanity..Heheheheh..."

I coughed up one more mouthful of blood before opening the door and crawling out. I shut it behind me and leaned against it. I heard the girls' quiet snores from their room. Once again, I missed a chance to see that boy on the other side of the mirror in the evening.

I sighed and crawled to the nearest bathroom to wash up. And to patch up as well. The girls' can't find out about this....Especially Kitt....


Oh my Irene! I'm done! I was stalling so much to write this because of writers block and laziness' little party in my brain. SO in average, I probably took like HALF the day to write this ONE chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed either way. I enjoy making these for you guys.

Word Count: 1192


-Kitty has left Wattpad-

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