The Beginning.

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Today is the day when my new life begines. My world has become a mad place with death everywhere. Why did this have to happen to me. One day I was just Kaily Anderson and I was going to highschool. Then the Earth started to shake for no reason and it did that for hours. My mom Heather and my brother Luke started to worry but then it got worse. On the new it started to say how the core of the Earth is getting  to hot and that soon there will be no water and everything would start getting to hot for us. When I first heard the news it was like the breath got knocked away from me and I couldn't breath no more. And I thought to my self I am so young and I barely started my life yet. Now here I am on a rocket going to a different planet where there might be life. They called this planet Nowhere. I was disturbed from my thoughts when Luck said " are you ready?"
    Of course he had to come and ruin my thoughts. I would have said to piss off but he is only in 6th grade and he cares so much about me. I just gave a sly smile and said " ready as I will ever be." With that he gave a sweet smile that warmed my heart and said "okay let's go." On the rocket there where 10 other people on it. I new some of them but most of them where strangers to me. I was lucky to be on it with my best friend MacKenzie. We knew each other since 5th grade.

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