Its Time

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I will overcome this and defeat the king, once and for all.
"Liz! Come on! You said you wanted to go to the kingdom today!" Jake yelled as he knocked on Liz's door. She groaned and rolled out of bed to get dressed. She opened the door and yawned. "Okay Im ready." she said while rubbing her eyes. They walked to the kingdom to,as Liz put it, defeat the king. Liz was ready. She was going to control her powers and defeat King Jacob.

~Time skip~
Liz's pov
This is it. I will finally be able to defeat the king. I walk into the main hall where i unleashed my powers for the first time. As i suspected, the king is there. "King Jacob." i said loudly enough for him to hear me. He turned to look at me and smiled. "Well look who's here. See Alex, i told you she would come." he said to the person next to him. I never noticed another person there until he pointed it out. I widened my eyes and gasped. "Alex? How could you? I thought you were my friend. Now you're working for the king again?" i said very shocked. He looked away from me and whispered something that was hard to hear. Before i could ask again he lunged towards me with a knife. I noticed as i dodged his attack that his eyes were dull. Was he really okay with this? Was it okay to kill your best friend? I got angry and threw a fireball at him then jumped far away from him. I engulfed myself in flames and acid as i started to attack him. Once he was down i sprinted towards the king. He had his usual smirk on his face and it grew wider as i got closer. I turned around and saw Alex coming straight towards me. I didn't have time to react so i ended up falling on the ground. I was struggling under his grip as i tried to dodge his attacks while also trying to get him off me.

Alex's pov
"Alex? How could you? I thought you were my friend. Now you're working for the king again?" Liz asked me. I couldn't answer that. How can i? I didn't want to do this. I tried my hardest to say something but i keep hearing the king's voice in my head. Its saying, "Alex. You know you want to hurt her. Come on, she broke your heart. Now its time to get some payback." i don't know why but i want to listen to the voice. After all, it true. She did break my heart. "Im sorry." i whispered. I suddenly felt my body moving on its own, like im not in control anymore. I soon started attacking her with a knife that i hid behind my back. Luckily she managed to dodge them. She jumped back far enough for her to engulf herself in flames and surround herself in acid. She started to attack me now. I tried to fight back but i couldn't, she was too fast. I soon got knocked down on the floor. I watched as she leaped towards the king to strike. He just smirked as she got closer. This was my chance. I quickly stood up, disregarding the pain that shot through me, and ran towards her. I finally managed to knock her down. I started stabbing at her but never touched her. I could feel her squirming beneath my grip but it was no use. I raised my knife above my head ready to strike down on her when suddenly i felt a shooting pain throughout my body.

Liz's pov (again)
Why Alex? Why must you betray your best friend. I try to get out of his grip but he wouldn't give up. I just gave up because there was no use in trying. He rose his knife above him, ready to stab me when i suddenly thought of a good idea. I quickly covered both of us in flames and since i can handle fire it doesn't affect me. He started to scream and roll on the ground to put the fire out. I grabbed the knife that Alex had in his hand and ran to where the king was standing. He tried to block but i was too fast. The blade of my knife slightly grazed his arm. I slashed again and cut his arm again enough to draw blood. I aimed for his legs this time and sliced them. He screamed as he fell on the ground. I walked over to his squirming body and kicked him repeatedly. I guess my emotions got the best of me because i started burning the king alive again. I quickly stepped away from him to decrease the power of the flames. Once i calmed down i took a deep breath in and out. I opened my eyes slowly and took in my surroundings. I can see Jake in the corner of the room watching the scene before him. There's Alex who's on the ground because of me. Finally there's King Jacob. He was in the worse condition ever, almost burnt to a crisp with knife wounds on his legs and arms. I suddenly realized what i've done again. I dropped to my knees with my eyes widening each second. I heard faint footsteps in the background but didn't pay attention to it. I also felt someone's arms wrap around me so i turned around and saw Jake's face. He looked scared and worried. I turned back around to look at what i've done. I felt hot tears slowly sliding down my  cheeks as i stood up. Jake watched as i walked over to the king and held out my hand to help him up. There was no monster present in the room. Except.....the king himself. He quickly grabbed the knife, put it over his head ready to stab me and....

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