Now, I'm at the end of what was a painfully quiet car ride. We've driven all the way from the bar to my place, about forty-five minutes, in complete silence.

"I'm so sorry Carter." I say

"Don't apologize."

"I must have embarrassed you. I feel so bad. Here I am on a date with you but running after him."

"I would have done the same thing after that song Cara."

I drop my head in my hands and groan.

"I know I should not be asking you this but...what do I do?" I say ending it with a sigh

I hear him sigh and shift. I look over and see him facing me now.

"Im into you. That's obvious but, as much as I hate to say this, he's in love with you. I don't know the entire story but whatever it is...he's manned up about it now and he's ready. It's shit that you had to wait for him but for some reason we catch on later."

"I don't have much more to gamble with."

"Oh he knows. He sees that. It took someone else seeing how amazing you are for him to wake the fuck up. I'm just glad I got to be that guy."

I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"Why couldn't he be you?" I say

We both chuckle at that and I thank him for the night and open the door.

"Hey Cara." He calls before I step into the house

"Yea?" I call back

"Don't make it easy for him." He says

I give him and nod and watch him drive away.

Needless to say I cried that night. I did a lot of thinking and that lead to memories and those lead to tears. I drug myself out of bed because Rayea and Kenn are having a play date. We didn't cancel it because I think we both knew our relationship wasn't going to work.

"Mama we can play without you." Kenn says to me as I watch them play

I put my hands up as a my bad. I leave them in Kenn's room and head to Cage's. He's been couped in his room all day.

I peek in and see him playing video games. His phone goes off and and he picks it up and smiles.

"Hailee honey." He says

"Did you tell her?"


"I honestly think she expects me to date a white girl just because of dad."

"I'm not hiding you. It's just that when ma knows, she will never let you just be Hailee. You will always be Cage's girlfriend."

Oh so he and Hailee have a thing. She was just at my office.

"You wanna come over?" I hear him as her

"May as well tell her. My dad knows."

Dean knows!

"He figured it out babe. He heard our conversations."

"He was glad that you are black." He says chuckling

"Ok. See you then." He says and hangs up

He was still smiling. Who would have thought that my son would not tell me about his girlfriend. He swirls around in his chair and sees me and jumps a little.

"Ma." He says in shock

"How much did you hear?" He ask


Family Maybe (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now