Chapter 2

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Dean came over to my house a little after graduation to hang with Cage some more. A lot of his family sent Cage gifts so he brought them over.

"Mama said she can keep Kenn tonight." Dean says to me as he comes into my kitchen

"Good. Majority of his class and then some are coming to the house for the party and I hadn't even thought of where to take Kennlee since I know you're going to be busy tonight."

Dean helps me as start to put away all my valuables. I remember teenage parties. They can get out of hand. It's scary to think that Cage is old enough to party. He and his sister were made in drunk states.


"Don't drink to much Cara." Katie says to me

"I'm fine. This is the first time I've been out in a while. I'm going to enjoy myself." I say back starting to dance to the music

"Ok." She says and walks away towards her boyfriend Emmanuel

I danced around and I was completely enjoying I ordered a drink and took a shot while waiting. After chugging my drink I go back to dancing and then about five drinks later I am beyond buzzed. My alcohol tolerance is pretty high and I usually stop when I get buzzed.

"How many drinks have you had?" Katie asked coming out of nowhere

"Five, but I'm done now." I say slurred

"You can't just jump back in full party mode. You haven't drank since Cage was born. Which was almost 12 years ago." She says and shoves a bottle of water in my hand.

"I'm fine Katie don't worry." I chug the water and hand he back the empty bottle

"Well Dean is here so be careful."

Dean. I miss him. Even though he still is an asshole. I miss him. Maybe I should find him. Maybe I shouldn't though. Yea lets go find him. No mam, let's not. Why am I arguing with myself right now? Because the horny side of you already knows what Dean can do.

"That's true. He has skills." I whisper to myself

Yea, but I'm here too girl. You know me, your conscience. Sometimes you ignore me, but I 'm always here to remind you that he broke your heart. Twice.

"Oh yea. He is an ass." I whisper again and decide to dance some more. After dancing for a couple more songs, I'm ready to go. I walk around looking for Katie until I see him and damn that man is so fucking attractive it's not fair. Of course I see him when he picks up Cage, but he is usually in his work clothes. Right now..he's not and he looks good. I don't realize I'm staring at him until he looks up at me. We lock eyes and I still feel those sparks from the first time I ever looked into his eyes. I was so out of it I didn't realize he was walking to me until he started talking.

"What are you doing here?" He ask

"I needed a break."

"Who has Cage?"

"My dad. He is in town. I wouldn't leave my son alone. I am a good mom." I say and cross my arms under my boobs

I see him glance down for a quick seconds then looks me in my eyes again.

"Our son? Yea, I know. You're the better parent."

Which is true. Mama E has told me that Dean is going through some stuff and that he is a tad distant with everyone but Cage. We use to split his time 50/50 but now he only sees his dad on the weekends. Dean's idea, not mine.

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