Chapter 12

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Why did he have to sing that song.


Why would he sing that song.

Fuck me.

"Uhm. Mm." Todd interjects

Dean's face is emotionless but yet holds so much emotion.

"Mhm." Dean clears his throat

"I'm gonna go." He says and places the mic down on the stand

He says a 'see you at work' to Raven and Todd and leaves the room.

"Well that was-"

I don't know what Raven was going to see say because I found myself running after Dean. I didn't even realize I was doing it until I felt the breeze hit me after going outside.

"DEAN!" I yell after him

He turns around and gives me a confused face.

"We didn't know you guys were gonna be here." I say to Dean

"It's fine."

"You don't have to leave."

"We. Both know I do though."

"I-I. That song."

"I'm not going anywhere Cara. You can tell Carter that I meant every word of song. You're it for me. I don't want to look for someone else."

"What do you want me to do now?"

"I want you to forgive me and just love me back. Be with me. Love me Cara."

"I do love you Dean."

"Does your boyfriend know?"

"Actually I told him today. Before this."

He smiles at me.

"That's doesn't mean I want to be with you. You broke my heart too many times. I don't trust you."

His smile drops.

"That's fair." He says and drops his head

"I'm sorry." I say to him and look down at my hands

He closes the distance between us and lifts my face.

"I'll see you around Cara." He says and kisses my forehead

I watched him leave and then made my way back to the room.

As I made my way back I decided I should leave as well. I just embarrassed Carter. I ran after Dean. I just left my date and ran after my high school boyfriend.

The room is quiet as I walk in.

"Uhm." I murmur

"Maybe we should go Carter?" I ask him

"Yea." He says and stands up

He clears his thrust and turns towards Raven and Todd.

"I'll see you two around."

"See you guys. I'm sorry again."

They both repeat things along get Elaine's of 'oh it's fine' or 'we have no idea that what happen'.

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