Chapter Three: A New Mission

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Kal'zun ascended the steep stairs of the Sith Academy on Korriban, ignoring the surprised or hateful stares of the acolytes around him. Aliens were not common at the Sith Academy, which was mostly composed of humans and Sith Purebloods, and Kal'zun's species, the Ukani, were virtually unheard of in the galaxy. His mottled mahogany skin, flattened nose, and dull yellow eyes made him rather odd-looking and fellow apprentices often mocked him for his appearance. Just now, a burly Sith Pureblood approached him, followed by two humans that were trying in vain to look intimidating.
"Hello, Apprentice Kal'zun," the Pureblood said. "I've been looking for you."
"Apprentice Malfus," Kal'zun nodded in mock respect. "I see you have new henchmen. Are Krabb and Goyl still recovering from our last meeting?"
Malfus ignored Kal'zun's comment and stepped up so that they were nearly face to face. A crowd began to gather around, eager for a display of violence.
"Your filthy face looks even worse up close, you rat. You don't belong here! You will never become a true Sith!"
Kal'zun laughed in Malfus' face and threw him to the ground with the Force. He past the Pureblood's sprawled form, pushing through the disappointed crowd to the the turbolift. He stepped into the car and indicated his destination: the third floor of the Academy, only accessible to Sith Lords and their apprentices. He waited in the small, box-shaped car and fiddled with his lightsaber in his hand. He was late, and Kal'zun did not like to be late. The door finally slid open and Kal'zun stepped out into a long, dimly lit corridor. This was where the Lords stayed. He walked about halfway down the hallway and turned to the door that led to his Master's quarters. Kal'zun keyed in the access code and entered, kneeling before the Sith Pureblood sitting at a large, angular desk.
"You are late," growled Lord Agonis. His voice was deep and twisted, like that of some horrible creature, and it was filled with disapproval.
"I apologize, Master," Kal'zun said. "I was held up by Apprentice Malfus, who had mistakenly thought he could insult me and leave unhurt."
Agonis cackled. "Very good, apprentice. Now. Was your trial a success?"
"Yes, Master," Kal'zun replied. "The beast is no more."
"I am impressed, apprentice. Most would be killed by the beast."
Kal'zun swelled with pride; coming from his master that was a great compliment. "Thank you, Master."
"This leaves you with only one trial remaining: a Jedi's head on my desk. You will be provided with a ship, a droid, and some rations. Otherwise, you are on your own." Agonis made a gesture with his hand and a door behind him opened, revealing a red-clad, masked guard wielding a force pike. The guard silently walked to Agonis' side, waiting for instructions.
"Take him to the Fury," Agonis instructed. The guard nodded and promptly left the room, Kal'zun following behind. He took this opportunity to study the mysterious guard. He had seen them before, but they seemed to exclusively serve Agonis and they never spoke or removed their masks. He was sure they weren't droids since he could feel their life force, but their minds were impossible to probe. Kal'zun assumed that they must be one of Agonis' creations; his master was obsessed with Sith science and was responsible for many creatures that terrorized Republic worlds.
The hiss of a door opening broke him out of his thoughts and he saw before him a Fury-class Interceptor, the trademark vessel of the Sith. He took in its twin-pronged design, gleaming grey hull, and deadly-looking laser cannons before going to the back of the ship and climbing inside. The main chamber contained a holotable and a weapons rack, with doorways to each side that led to crew quarters and the engine room. Directly ahead was the cockpit, containing a map of the galaxy and the controls to the ship. He went into his quarters and took his heavy cloak and armour off, leaving him in his light robes, then laid back in his bed and fell asleep.
He awoke to a prodding in his side. His eyes snapped open, his lightsaber flew into his open hand, and he ignited it, holding the crimson blade to the throat of a masked being in a black cloak.
"Greetings, master," it said in a mechanical voice. "I am AV-P6, your personal assistant. I was assigned to you by Lord Agonis, who would like me to remind you that you should be taking off and heading to wherever it is you're going, not sleeping." The droid said this in a rickety voice with just a hint of dryness in its tone. Kal'zun deactivated his lightsaber and stood up, examining the droid. It had a head casing that looked similar to the bone masks worn by the Kaleesh, but it was matte black with red around the eyes. The rest of the droid's body was hidden by its cloak, which draped around its shoulders and fell to the floor.
This looks more like an assassin than an assistant, Kal'zun thought. Shrugging, he went out of his quarters and entered the cockpit. He sat down in the captain's chair and wondered where he should go first in his hunt for a Jedi. AV-P6 approached Kal'zun silently and stood behind his chair, then spoke one word.
"Saleucami?" Kal'zun asked.
"You want me to go to Saleucami?"
"That is my intent, master."
Kal'zun shrugged. "Alright, then."
He fired the engines, feeling the ship vibrate under him, then slowly lifted off the ground and into the air. He pointed the nose upwards and flew through the atmosphere towards open space.
When he was in orbit, he set a course for Saleucami and activated the hyperdrive, watching the stars around him turn to starlines, then the swirling blue colour of hyperspace. He laid back in his chair and waited.

A/N: I got the idea for this story while drawing the Sith that would eventually become Kal'zun, and I have overcome my anxiety about my skill (or lack thereof) in drawing and decided to post it. Enjoy (hopefully)!

 Enjoy (hopefully)!

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