Chapter Two: Bringing Down the Beast

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Kal'zun's honed reflexes took over, and he rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the Zhul Stalker's curved fangs. The creature hissed and spat a greenish-yellow substance that was stopped in mid-air by Kal'zun's Force wall. The liquid slid down the invisible barrier and pooled into a sizzling puddle on the ground. Kal'zun ignited his lightsaber and leapt forward onto the beast's head. He only managed to land one quick slice that barely scored the monster's scales before he was thrown off, hitting the ground with a roll. Tough skin, Kal'zun thought. More acid sprayed towards him, forcing him to go on the defensive. He leapt around the room, dodging the Zhul Stalker's attacks with amazing speed. After performing a backflip to avoid being turned into a puddle of melted flesh and bones, Kal'zun retaliated with a blast of Force lightning. The beast snarled in pain, writhing as the electrical energy coursed through its body before collapsing on the ground. Kal'zun seized the opportunity and hacked at the incapacitated beast with his lightsaber, the crimson blade making large burn marks on the Zhul Stalkers but not cutting through the beast's scales. Enraged, Kal'zun brought down one final overhead strike on the creature's back. This rage-imbued strike sliced cleanly through the monster's skin, snapping it out of its stupor and making it even more ferocious than it already was. The Stalker's large tail whipped to the side, smacking Kal'zun in the head and sending him flying into the cave wall. His ears rang. Lights danced before his eyes. As his vision returned to normal, he felt pure rage coursing through his veins. He leapt forwards at the creature and channeled all of his rage into a massive blast of lightning, concentrated directly at the open wound on the Zhul Stalker's back. It made a horrible-sounding screech and finally collapsed dead on the hard floor of the cave. Kal'zun, invigorated by his killing of the the Zhul Stalker, brought the ceiling of the cavern down on the corpse and left, already looking forward to informing his Master of his success.

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