Prologue: The Razing of Isan Gardh

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   The planet Isan Gardh was relatively unknown to the galaxy. It was at the edge of the Unknown Regions, with the only inhabitants being the primitive Ukani. The Ukani lived in small villages, with each clan having territory on the planet. This lead to frequent turf wars, and because of this all Ukani were accustomed to fighting. However, the Ukani had no experience with the rest of the galaxy, and as such were easy pickings for an attack, exactly what was happening right now.
   The village glowed brightly, lit by a thousand flames from the sky. Kal'zun Shrask ran through the streets as fast as his small legs could carry him, searching desperately for someone, anyone who could help him. He called out for his parents, but no one returned the cry. Finally reaching his family's home, he threw open the door only to find the smouldering corpse of his father, clutching a warblade in his stiff hands. Tears ran down the boy's crimson cheeks. Tears not of sadness, but of pure rage. Kal'zun walked uncertainly through the rest of his former home, hoping that his mother and sister were still alive. He came to his mother's room, at the back of the house, only to find it no longer existed. The skyfire had destroyed it, and in the wreckage two mangled bodies were visible.
"NO!" he screamed in rage. "NO!"
The heavy thud of boots on the wooden floor brought Kal'zun out of his stupor. He turned to see a tall man clothed all in black, with red skin and yellow eyes. The stranger had a metallic cylinder clipped to his belt.
"Hello, young one," the man said. "I will not harm you."
"Who- who are you?" Kal'zun stuttered.
"I am Agonis, a Sith Lord. I fight against the ones that did this to your family, the Jedi."
"Sith? Je-di?"
"Yes. You have power, power that could be used, with the proper training, to destroy the Jedi."
"How do I learn the power?" Kal'zun asked.
"Come with me," the man said. "The Sith will train you."
Kal'zun followed the man out of the house, picking up his father's warblade as he left.
   Lord Agonis chuckled to himself as he strode into the hangar bay of the Tyranny, his flagship in the Sith Empire's fleet. The child followed him off the shuttle into the expansive bay, eyes wide with awe. He had tagged the Ukani as potential subjects for his testing, since they were strong and tough, and had an ability to shrug off pain. His plan had went better than expected, though, when he returned with not only a cadre of Ukani who believed the Jedi were responsible for their planet's destruction, but a Force-sensitive child that would serve well as an apprentice. He chuckled again. Yes, this day had gone very well indeed, Agonis thought as the burning planet visible through the hangar's shield disappeared in the mottled sky of hyperspace.

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