He shook his head. "you... really, you really different from an average girl. you too beautiful, yet not care about your appearance at all. you too smart, but sometimes you did a stupid pranks. and you too strong, yet your hearts really soft and caring. I can't help but proud of you."

"I know, I'm awesome after all" I grinning. 

"do you need a cash?"

"nope, thanks. I'm a former assassin, so I have a plenty money right now. oh, before I forgot, this is Tae-yeon medicine. This is made by some ingredients that hard to find, so I don't have too many. but I think this is enough for two or a month."

"Tae-yeon medicine? but we always buy it from the merchant." He said, confused.

"yes, I know. but if the merchant comes late or such, maybe this can help. Tae-yeon is my little brother after all."

He sighed. "see? you really caring. even before your journey, you still care your little brother. okay, now go to tae-yeon, don't make him waiting too long.  and thank you for the medicine."

"okay, I will miss you, gramps. love you." I said as I walk away from his office.

I go to Tae-yeon room, but before I arrive, I see Tae-yeon sitting in front of a window. I remember this sight looked like in the anime, the time when hak and yona went to yun's place. I can't help but feels a little sad, looking at a small figure who always be left behind. 

I walk closer to him, smile a little and sat in front of him.

"nee-chan? you go?" he said. I can hear a little cracking in  his voice.

"yes. thank you for everything, tae-yeon." 

"oh well.... I..." he hide his face with his hat, and I can see he trying to hold his tears.

"please don't cry, tae yeon. you know I can't stand to look at your tears, right?" I said as I wipe some tears that coming out from the corner of his eyes.

"but.... but... you..."

I can't help but hug him. I didn't strong enough to resist his tears. "you see, I will come back. just a month, can you wait for me? this is not a good bye. I just will go to meet your big brother hak, play a prank at him, then after a month I will come back. can you keep my room clean until that time?"


I release my hug and place my forehead in front of his forehead. "yes. I promise." I will come back with hak and yona.

I kiss his cheeks. "okay, I must to go. see you and take care, lil' bro~" 

"you too..."

and with that, I walk away to the gate. and as usual, the two idiot brothers was fall asleep with arkath in their head. really....

 I hit their head with a wood scabbard. a smile creep to my face as I see them jolted awake. 

"a good sleep, huh~?" I ask with a playful tone.

"aw shit, erza! why you do that?! that's hurts!" said Tae-woo while he rub his head.

"but you slacked your duty!!" I whined.

"but you can just wake me up slowly and softly!!" 

"now.. now... eh? erza? where are you going?" ask  Han-Dae.  didn't he was the calm one?? 

"of course to the imperial capital, duh!! are you forgot?" I said. well, it's not their fault to forgot, after all. I know, I too started feels comfortable staying in here.

"oh, right. you come back?" ask tae woo, a little weird.

"yes, I am. I just gone fore a month. don't worry~"

"with that outfit?" ask han-dae, eyeing me.

"finally, you realized huh? see? my outfit was awesome~" I said as I grinning and do some pose.

"hei.. didn't that... my outfit?!!" ask Tae-woo suprised.

"ting tong. you're right~ ufufufufu. didn't I looks like a boy??" I twirl around.

"I see... you hide your chest... other than your cute face, I think not a problem? but why you want to looks like a boy?" oh, han-dae, I thought in anime you're a carefree dumbass one, but to think that you too smart...

"I want to play a prank. ufufufu."

"prank? to who?"

"to hak. you see, if you two's story is right, I want to get close to the princess and make ha jealous. ufufufu. didn't that fantastic? a girl made hak jealous. ahahaha I can't imagine it."

In no time, the two laughed hard. 

"you... really.... unbelievable" Tae-woo said as he trying to stopped his laugh.

"I know, I'm awesome." I said and they rolled their eyes.

"okay, please take care, erza." Tae-woo said as he hug me.

"yeah yeah, I will."

"we will miss you, your pranks and your stupid ideas, lil sis." Han-dae hug me after Tae-woo release his hug.

"of course you are. don't worry, when I come back, I will teach you my awesomeness." I grinned.

after I shout a god bye,  I started to walk with Arkath sit on top of my shoulder.

Imperial capital, I'm coming~

And done~ sigh.

see you next time. I need to finish my homework, even though I didn't want to.

as usual,please read,comment, advice and vote~ 

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