Part 5

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When I step out of the washroom I feel someone pulling me by my arm and pushing me back on to the wall and before I could see who it is or scream my mouth is plastered with another man's mouth and the man is definitely not my man, my Rk. I know the feel of Rk's touch and kiss. Even just before coming here to the party he gave me a soul scorching kiss which is still lingering on my lips.

f**k! This is Chris.Chris is kissing me. He is pressing himself against me and kissing me forcefully. I didn't open my mouth and give him way to get in my mouth. I won't let him kiss me thoroughly. I won't let this bas***d take advantage of me. For f**k sake I am your friend's wife so you better take your dirty mouth off me. I wanna scream at him but I couldn't as he is hovering over my mouth. If I open my mouth to utter a word then he will get access to sweep his tongue in. he is coaxing me to kiss him back. I feel his hands up by body. Itfelt like a bucket full of worms were thrown on me and they were crawling up my ass. I feel so disgusted and so dirty.

God! Someone f**king save me!

I try to push him but he is too heavy and I feel dizzy. I should not faint. I should not faint. I should not faint! I repeat this chant in my head.

How long will this f**ker will suck me and kiss me?

"You bloody wh**e!" f**k! This is Rk.

f**k! f**k! f**k! I am dead!

This is surely not a sight any husband would like to witness. His wife kissing... well, I am not kissing this Chri-asshole but he is kissing me... still will my brainless husband believe me? Nope. He will mistake... Nah! Correction! He already mistook me. Bravo! That I can say without doubt from his angry tone. Oh shit! Wait! Did he call me "bloody wh**e?" ... The bas***d! How dare he? But to be honest I am not feeling too bad for two reasons... one I know he didn't mean what he said and two I am so used to using and hearing swear words. Haha! Perks of being a potty mouth, I guess.

Uff... Finally!Jerk-ass Chris is jerked away from me. Well, I didn't push him. Truth is I couldn't push him because he is too heavy and I am too weak and fragile when it comes to physical strength but now he is yanked half me rudely by my husband. Bang!

Whoa! What a punch? Yeah, my strong boy broke his nose.

"You bas***d! How dare you kiss my wife?" Rk shouts. There! There lands another punch right on his broken nose.

"Oh shit..." Chris cups his broken nose with his palm. "Stop it man"

"Did you stop kissing me, you moron? Beat him till he bleeds and gets bruised all over his body, Rk." I order my husband. Oh shit. Why Rk is glaring at me? What wrong I did?


"You... You..." Rk raises his hand up and brought it close to my face. I close my eyes and turn my face anticipating his blow but it didn't land. He didn't slap me. I open my one eye and take a peek. He still has his wide spread palm closer to me but he didn't slap me. His hand his shaking. His entire body his shaking in blazing anger. He looks straight at my eye and his eyes soften seeing my terror. My lips start trembling. Don't hit me please. I pray. I didn't say it out loud but he heard it I guess. He brought his hand little low and turning it he rubs my lips with the back of his hand. Oh shit! He smudged my lipstick. I wanna cry out loud.

Then we hear a low groan from the pig sprawled on the floor. Rk turns his attention back and continues kicking him.

"Rk, let me go. I didn't mean to... harm her... I just..." Chris pleads holding Rk's leg stopping him from kicking him any further. Well, he is curled up like a ball just outside the bathroom and my husband didn't show any mercy. He went on kicking him. Tsk tsk tsk! Now, it's getting too much.

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