Timing has to be just right

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Alina's POV

I soon found myself slipping into what could possibly be the most boring routine. I wake up, get ready, deal with my brother teasing me, eating breakfast, get to school, do everything with Erin, go home, do homework, eat dinner, fall asleep, and repeat. And here I find myself at step 6 sighing.

"Hey guys are any of you bored?" I asked quietly.

"Yep." Waste chorused reply. You'd think they'd have practiced it!

"What if we threw a party for only us?" Chelsea suggested and sighed happily.

"Cassie's house is big enough and her parents are out of town for the rest of the week. We could do it there!" Diego then dramatically posed, making everyone laugh and others think we were crazy.

So after talking for five minutes we decided, Drew would be in charge of music, Chelsea in charge of girls clothes, Erin in charge of entertainment, Cassie and I in charge of sweets, drinks, and baked goods, while Diego would be in charge of nothing. The one time we asked him to make popcorn, the second he touched the microwave, it EXPLODED! I mean come on how is that even possible?! Ahem, back to school cafeteria.

"Alright so we'll do this tonight at 6:00 alright? Lets get back to class eh?" I asked faking a Canadian accent.

"Babe you're good at lots of things but accents aren't one of them. Let me handle the accents mi amor." He said fluently. I blushed and leaned back into him more. Soon we were headed out of our last classes of the day. As we were heading out to the parking lot, Erin surprised me by giving me his jacket claiming that I was shivering. I knew that it was to taunt my brother, and so far it was working. My brother was turning red and was glaring. So I kissed Erin long enough to make my brother even madder and make Erin laugh.

Getting home, I immediately set out to the kitchen with Cassie. I had texted Dad previously and had him get the ingredients needed for my famous triple chocolate cookies. White, dark, and milk chocolate chips were set to the side as I went to work while Cassie prepared to make her homemade candy. I swear that stuff is from heaven. We then proceeded to bake a 5 tiered cake, brownies, and then made a sweet pomegranate flavor drink. Then we made a sweet blueberry, and a cherry flavored drink. We then got our bags, said bye to my brother, drove to Erin's, and kissed and said goodbye to my dad.

We walked inside to find nothing set up yet. We set our stuff in the kitchen and began to search for our friends, when we heard a strange noise. It sounded like the stairway creaking. Then suddenly the lights went off. I was starting to panic when I heard heavy breathing from behind Cassie.

"Erin, Drew, Chelsea, Diego if this is your guys' idea of a joke it isn't funny ya hear?!" I yelled as we ran towards where the front door was. W opened to door to let in some light. The person in front of us certainly wasn't Drew. Not Diego. Not Chelsea. Not Shawn. And certainly not Erin. Who it was we had no idea, and we began to freak out as he started towards us. I panicked and started running. But I didn't run for the streets. I ran for the woods.

****Shawn's POV****

As the girls came in we began to freak them out. Diego tried to tell us that it would definitely scare Alina enough to panic her bad and something else, but we cut him off and didn't listen. But when I saw her face when she heard the breathing, I began to try and get them to stop. Erin wasn't here yet and thank god he wasn't. He probably would've ripped off our heads. But they still kept going and I knew something real bad was going to happen.

When Alina took off towards the woods I was worried. Supposedly there was a guy from an an insane asylum who died there. I didn't believe it. That was my mistake. I had been out in the woods with some other friends and decided to provoke the ghost. I now have three scars on my back. But that wasn't what was the worst. The worst was that at the same time my twin brother had disappeared.

I haven't seen him since.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?! I thought Diego told you about the time her mother hired a kidnapper?! He tried to rape her and take her back to her mother! And that image? It looks just like him!" She screamed at us as she wailed. Diego was busy comforting her and we were so busy wallowing in guilt that we missed hearing Erin enter.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Girlfriend?!" He roared. I knew that now we really want to find Alina. She's the only one who can calm him down.

"Erin have Cassie tell you what happened. Drew, Chelsea stay here. Diego, try and get her to be calm. I'm going into the woods to find her." I said evenly. Everyone was in a daze from hearing me speak that much.

I just hope that I can get to her before he does.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2013 ⏰

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