Chapter 2

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"So this girl," Jimin stared off. "What did she look like?"

"Your ordinary girl," I shrugged. "She had long dark hair, short, cute smile."

"She was gorgeous, he's not telling you the whole truth," Jungkook laughed. "Didn't even get her name."

"What??" Jimin gave me a confused look. I threw a water bottle at him, him blocking it almost immdiately.

"I didn't have time. I didn't even think about it," I mentally beat myself up. I should have got her name.

"You'll see her again. You live in the same city," Jungkook chimed in.

"But with our busy schedule? Doubt it," Jimin laughed. I was on the verge of jumping across the table and just holding him in a headlock until he shut up. I flipped him off just to get a laugh in return.

"What are you all talking about?" Namjoon entered the room, handing me a water bottle even though there was three in front of me. This is what happens when we have big preformances. He will just keep bringing me water, I don't finish it, he notices my hand is empty and brings me another one.

"Yoongi's coffee girl," Jimin laughed. "The most perfect girl yet he didn't even get the poor girls name."

"Where did you meet her?" Namjoon asked me. "The coffee shop you and Jungkook went to?" I nodded and took a sip from a new water bottle, knowing I'm not going to finish it. "Was she a fan?" I nodded again.

"You'll see her again," Jungkook said again. "If we win tonight, give her a shoutout. Maybe something will come up and maybe you'll figure out her name." He had a good idea. I mean, there were paparazzi leaving the coffee shop, maybe the media will get curious and track her down?

"Duh we're going to win," Jimin said with confidence. "No doubt about it."

"Whatever," I said again, sitting back and drinking my water.

Our manager came in and said we were on in 5 and that we needed to get to the stage. They were about to announce the winner and Wendy was 100 percent sure that we were going to win so she told us to have our 'game faces' on and act like we had no idea. We took our seats in the front at the table with our names on it. We sat there and listened to the announcers say some funny jokes to get the crowd warmed up.

Our song dropped three days ago and was already number 1 almost world wide. It was such an outstanding result that we weren't expecting.

"Alright I guess we should get to the winner then, shall we," the lady on stage said. She began to open the envelope and we were all just sitting there, waiting. It felt like 10 years had gone by. Then finally, "And the winner is.... BTS!" We all got up and cheered and made our way to the stage. Namjoon handed me the mic, he knew I had to do it.

"Thank you all so much. This means the world to all of us in BTS including or crew and managers. But we owe this to Army, our everything." Namjoon handed the mic back to the announcer and she smiled and asked, "Any other words boys." All the boys looked at me and I took the mic in my hands and sighed. "And this also goes to coffee girl who made me coffee a week ago. It got me through choreography that day."

"Well that coffee girl sure is amazing, you guys were great tonight!" We exited backstage and the boys started pushing me around.

"Who's coffee girl?" Taehyung asked.

"Hopefully we find out."


"SOPHIE!" My mother called from the front room. I rushed downstairs, toothbrush in my mouth still, hair dripping from the shower. I was in panic mode by the way my mother yelled my name.

"What? What happened? Are you okay?" She was smiling and pointing at the paused TV.

"Watch!" She un-paused the TV and it was the award show that was on tonight. I had asked her to record it for me so I could watch all the performances.

"And this also goes to coffee girl who made me coffee a week ago. It got me through choreography that day." I looked at my mom then back at the TV.

"That's you right? You're the coffee girl? You told me!" She was so exicited about the fact the BTS gave a shoutout to a coffee girl. I just shook my head and laughed.

"Mom, there's a dozen coffee shops here is Seoul, it could have been any of them. And even if it was me, I'm flattered but it's just a shoutout. I mean, have you tried the iced caramel coffee?" She shook her head and acted disappointed.

"Sophie, will you just react like a normal fan and freak out? You're such an odd child," she laughed.

"We're all just people. No one is above another person," I replied. "If I was world famous, I'd want to be treated like a human."


After the show, the boys and I headed back to the dorms to settle down and celebrate at home. Jin decided to cook a meal even after such a long night. I was sitting on the couch with Jungkook, just scrolling through twitter. It was so cool to see photos of what we looked like performing.

We were just sitting there when Jimin ran into the room and threw himself at us. "I think I might have found your girl. She's American right?" I nodded. "Well there's only so many American's who work at a coffee shops in Seoul. And the one you and Jungkook went to is Cold Coffee, an American owned coffee shop. Her uncle is the owner-"

"What's her name?" Jungkook tried to rush Jimin to the point. Jimin held up a finger and tried to finish what he was getting at.

"Like I was saying, her uncle is the owner. John Handsen. He moved here when he met his wife Nari and he brought his sister and her daughter over after her grandfather passed. She's not big on social media so it was hard to find out who she is but after a couple of phone calls to some friends, I finally found out who she is." He paused and I could tell he was doing it for suspense. I hit him in the shoulder, waiting for him to continue.

"What is it!?" Jungkook pressured.


"Sophie?" Jungkook questioned. "It suits her."

"It does," I added. Her name fit the face so well. I needed to figure out a way to see her. I needed to see her again. I needed to meet Sophie face to face once again.

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