She pulls it open, and I fall backwards onto her feet, still laughing.

"Ow! Really Sans? What are you doing?" she asks, placing her hands on her hips.

"Sorry," I choke, wiping my eyes with my jacket sleeve.

"Do you have to lie all over me today?" she asks, holding out her hand to help me up.

Still laughing, I grab her hand and drag myself onto my feet.

We both walk down the corridor into the doorway, and I pick up my bag.

Frisk slings her's onto her back, and we both call out our goodbyes to Toriel.

"See you after school, my child!" Toriel shouts.

"Thanks for remembering about me!" I shout back.

"I guess that means I'll see you too then, Sans," she calls.

"I'll miss you too!" I call back.

"Alright, fine, look after Frisk," she says, walking out of the kitchen, handing us each a pancake.

"Thanks Tori," I say, "Do you have any ketchup?"

Frisk chokes on her own pancake, and firmly states, "There is no way you're having ketchup now!"

"Right, okay then," I grumble, eating my pancake. "Thanks anyway Tori."

"No problem!" she smiles, before waving us out the door.

"There you two are," Thalia says, appearing at Frisk's side.

"Yep, here the two of us are," I mumble, dragging my feet on the cement.

"What's your problem?" Thalia asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

"He didn't get any ketchup this morning," Frisk explains.

"Does he usually?"

"He probably does, he's always awake before me," Frisk replies.

"You do know I can hear you? Right?" I ask her, pulling my hoodie over my face.

"Course I do, I'm not that stupid," she giggles.

"That is true," I say.

"Can you talk to me now?" she asks.

"I don't feel like it," I reply, placing my hands in my pockets.

"Oh, come on. Please?" she pouts, peeking under my hood.

I let out a sigh.

"Only 'cause you're too adorable to ignore," I say, putting my arm around her.

She giggles and Thalia lets out a small squeal.

"Charlie!" Thalia suddenly calls, waving someone over to us.

Charlie walks over to us, hands in his own pockets.

"Hey, I don't think you've met Sans yet," Thalia says, gesturing over at me.

I wave at him and he smiles back at me.

"I'm Charlie," he says, extending his hand.

I hold out my hand and shake his.

"Sans," I tell him.

"Nice to meet you," he replies.

"You're lucky I wasn't prepared to meet anyone today, or else-"

"Sans! There is no way you're doing that whoopee cushion in the hand trick!" Frisk exclaims.

"The what?" Charlie asks, laughing.

Memories -  (Sans x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now