Chapter 14

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"Here?" I ask Sans, when our feet land back onto solid ground.

Looking around, I see the same hill that we sat on together when I told him about my mother.

On the ground is a checkered picnic rug, on which is a plate of hot dogs.

I laugh, and give Sans a hug.

"Hot dogs, huh?" I ask, when I step away.

"Hot dogs," he says, smiling down at me.

"It's adorable," I tell him.

"I don't think there's enough to put on your head though," he grins.

"Don't worry," I laugh, "There's no way I'm attempting that again."

We both sit down, and I place my head on his shoulder. He puts his arms around me, and I close my eyes.

When I open them, he's drinking straight from another bottle of ketchup.

"You're going to make yourself really sick," I say, reaching for it as he dangles it above my head.

"You need to try harder than that to stop me," he laughs, watching my feeble attempts to take it from him.

"Ketchup stains if you get it on your clothes, you do know that, right?" I say, standing up and trying to grab the bottle.

"I don't care," he tells me, eye glowing as the ketchup floats high in the air.

"If it's up there, you can't drink it," I point out, smirking at him.

"Welp, then I'll have to settle for something else," he says, as I sit back down.

I take a hot dog and place it on my head.

He laughs, and I reach for another one. He stops me, and takes my hand.

The hot dog wobbles as he pulls me to my feet.

"Try and dance with it on your head," he says, stepping back.

"Yeah, not going to be able to do that," I say, dismissively.

"Just try," he persists.

"Fine then," I sigh, and raise my arms above my head.

I point my toe out in front of me, then I push off, lifting my leg behind me. I spin in a circle, stopping myself with my left foot and bending my body backwards. I hold my arms out from me as I leap through the air, lightly landing on my toes before I take another leap, ending with a final pirouette.

I bow my head, leaning forward, leg stretched out behind me.

I look up, and smile at Sans.

"Welp, the hot dog didn't stay on," he says, chortling.

I roll my eyes at him, standing up straight and dusting myself off.

"That was really good dancing," he tells me once he's calmed down.

"Thanks," I blush, "I used to do ballet when I was younger."

"It was beautiful," he says, blushing as well, "But I don't think the hot dog is very happy."

I giggle, sitting down in his arms.

"How come I didn't know you used to dance?" he asks me.

"You never really asked," I reply.

"I guess that's true," he says.

"What about you, do you dance?" I ask, turning around to face him.

"Welp, I can, but that doesn't mean I do," he replies, mischievously.

"Really? What type of dancing?" I ask, intrigued.

"I can breakdance,' he says, shrugging his shoulders.

"Cool! Can you show me?" I exclaim, shocked. I always thought he was too lazy to do anything active.

"No thanks, I don't feel like it," he replies.

There's the lazy Sans I know.

"Seriously? Please?" I pout, "I danced for you!"

"Fine, I'll dance," he says, standing up.

He holds his hand out and I take it, confused. He pulls me close to him, and puts his arm around my waist. I put my hand on his shoulder and look into his eyes.

He gazes back at me, blushing bright blue.

Without looking down at my feet, I feel him guide me across the ground.

I continue to stare into his eyes, face still red.

He takes his hand off my waist, and spins me around, his other hand still holding mine.

He catches me back around the waist, dipping me backwards. Closing his eyes, he leans forward.

I kiss him in the rosy glow of the setting sun, wrapping my arms around his neck.

When we break apart, I place my head on his shoulder, and we sit back down on the grass.

"Sans?" I ask into the silence.

"Mmm?" he replies.

"Do you know where Asgore is?"

"No clue, Toriel doesn't want us to know," he says, closing his eyes.

"I want to find him."

"Why?" he asks.

"To ask him what the other humans were like," I whisper.

There's a pause, then Sans says, "To be honest, I want to know as well."

"We need to find out," I say, laying my head in Sans' lap and closing my eyes.

"Do you want to head home already?" Sans asks.

"No, I'm okay..." I mutter, before falling asleep.

Screams fill my ears, and I sit bolt upright.

I try to slow down my racing heart, taking deep breaths.

"You okay?"

I find myself in my room, laying in my bed with Sans next to me, eyes open and alert.

"I- Um, bad dream..." I mumble, picturing the vivid images in my mind.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asks, putting his arm around me.

"I reseted," I tell him, "Then I didn't end up falling, my mother came and found me. She... she... she left me, bleeding and dying. I didn't know what to do... I called... But nobody... came..."

I faintly whisper the last three words, my mouth barely moving.

Tears start to fall from my eyes.

Sans wraps me in a hug.

"You're okay now, it's only a dream," he whispers into my ear.

"What if it happens Sans? I don't want you guys to be stuck forever in the Underground..." I reply, choking back even more tears.

"Hey, look at me," he says, bringing my chin up to face him, "That's never going to happen, you have too good a heart to earn an ending like that."

"I'm scared Sans," I whisper.

"Don't be," he says.


I hold his hand, and roll onto my back, staring at the ceiling. The stars glitter and dance, reflected in the moonlight shining through my window.

I imagine the rushing sound of water, and the faint sounds of distant raindrops pattering on the cold, stone floor.

I close my eyes once again, and, still holding Sans' hand, fall asleep.

Memories -  (Sans x Frisk)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora