Chapter 1

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I gaze upon all the golden flowers, dotting the sides of the path leading to our house. I remember planting those flowers. Working hard, refusing anyone else's help. They look exactly as I remember him. I had to defy him. I'm not sure he'd be impressed by our memorial. He never wanted to be remembered this way. But this is how I always remember him. Any golden flower reminds me of him. If we'd had more time, I'm sure we would've been great friends. I slowly shake my head, clearing it of all the thoughts resurfacing. It wasn't very long ago, but it seems like a lifetime. It's been mere weeks since we left the underground, and I couldn't have enjoyed the time since any more. Those memories stick to my mind as I trudge my way down the path. I scrape my new shoes on the cement and kick at any small rock that dares enter my path. Suddenly, Toriel is behind me. 

"Stop that!" she scolds, grabbing my arm. "You'll ruin your shoes!"

I fling around to face her. "I don't want to go to school!" I huff, crossing my arms indignantly. Toriel narrows her eyebrows, making me unfold my arms and stare at the ground, ashamed.

"You need to stop acting like a baby Frisk! You're 14! Not 7!"

Toriel tilts my chin up to look into her eyes.

"Why do you not want to go?" she asks, softly this time, so only I can hear her. I look back to the ground, mumbling something under my breath. Unfortunately, being a goat, she could hear every word I said. She embraced me in a warm hug. "Don't worry about it. You'll be fine."

She backs away and walks up to the front door. I flash her a weak grin, and continue back down the street. I hear running footsteps behind me, and turn around. Papyrus runs down the driveway of his house and meets me as I'm crossing the street, walking backwards so he can talk to me as he asks, "Where are you going Frisk? And what are you wearing?"

I give a small smile and answer, "It's a school uniform, Papyrus. Most schools have them."

Papyrus cocks his head at me before he promptly crashes into a lamp post on the side of the path. I gasp as his arm falls off and he crumples into a heap. I bend down to help him up, but only to be shooed away by his attached hand.

"I got it! I got it!" he cries, grabbing his arm and reattaching it. I breath a sigh of relief, only to then proceed with, "That's what you get for walking backwards Papyrus."

He laughs as he stands up, moving over as I continue walking.

"Can I come with you?" he asks, jogging to keep up. I turn to face him.

"I don't think so," I reply. "I know it's rude, but I don't think they're gonna allow monsters in my school."

His face falls, and I immediately regret my answer.

"I'll let you know how it was tonight!" I call, waving at the school gates, "It'll be just like you were there!"

Papyrus grins and returns my wave. I turn around and gaze up at the tall, impressive building.

Just another day at school.

Just another nightmare.

I bang open the doors of the cafeteria, heading for my old table. I pull two lunch boxes out of my bag.

Papyrus insisted on making me lunch, but Toriel packed extra just in case I wanted something edible.

I open the orange lunch box from Papyrus and am surprised to see a sandwich, apple and lemon muffin. I take a bite of the sandwich and screw up my face.

Spaghetti is really not the best sandwich filling.

I try the lemon muffin, only to find it way too sour. The apple is fine, but not very big.

I'm opening my other lunch box, when I hear a voice behind me.

"What are you doing at our table?"

I turn around to come face to face with two girls. They are both carrying lunch trays laden with food from the front of the cafeteria.

I glance up at their faces, only to find them both glaring back down at me. I shrug and start eating my salad sandwich, the spaghetti one, forgotten.

The girl closest to me starts to tap her foot on the wooden floor, impatiently.

I gulp down the sandwich and ask, "What's wrong?"

The girl rolls her eyes and says, "I'm waiting for you to move, dork!"

I continue eating.

"Why would I do that?" I ask, in between bites.

"Because this is OUR table!" she cries.

"I don't see a name on it," I reply, logically. The girl just rolls her eyes at me.

"Of course it doesn't have our name on it you dimbo!" she says, thumping her tray down on the table and placing her hands on her hips. When I don't move, she slams her hands down onto the table, right next to me. I yawn, and start putting my lunch boxes back into my bag.

I look back up, and her finger is right in my face.

"Get moving now!" she growls. "You can't sit here! This table isn't for newbies like you!"

I swing around on the bench so that I am sitting on to face them properly. I slip my bag onto my back, and cross my arms for the second time this day.

"There's plenty room for you both to sit here next to me," I tell them.

"We don't want to sit next to you!" shrieks the first girl.

"Why don't you want to sit with me?" I ask, still in the same casual tone.

"Just MOVE!" she screams.

She's creating a huge scene, but by the looks on the other kid's faces, this isn't the first time.

I slowly stand up. Then, I sit back down.

"What was that for?" she yells, indignantly.

"Why don't you sit down next to me, so we can get to know each other?" I reply, patting the bench next to me.

She brings her fist up, and my instincts immediately kick in.

The blow narrowly misses. I duck out of the way just in time. I stand up and walk away. Even though the table is now free, it seems she doesn't like being showed up. She comes racing after me, fist pulled back, ready to strike again. I duck under her arm, and slide across the polished floor.

The bell rings, and there's a huge rush as everyone flees the room.

Obviously, no one wants to be left behind with this girl.

I also race for the door. Not because I'm scared, but because I don't want to be late for class. The girl slides down onto the floor, staring at her still clenched fist. The other girl puts her arm around her. I turn and head back into the cafeteria and kneel down.

"Are you alright?"

The second girl glares down at me, but I ignore her. The first girl gulps but nods.

"Let's start anew," I say, sticking out my hand. "My name's Frisk. Your's?"

The girl looks up into my eyes. "How'd you do that?" she asks.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Dodge like that."

I shrug and say, "I just guess I've had a lot of practice."

Her gaze drops.

"Your name?" I ask, again.

She looks back up into my eyes.


Memories -  (Sans x Frisk)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin