"Coming!" Frisk calls back, shaking her hair loose from it's braid.

She opens the door and we both head down the corridor to the front door.

Thalia wraps Frisk in a tight hug, and Frisk cries out in pain.

"Sorry! Sorry, I forgot..." Thalia says, stepping back as Frisk gingerly touches her stomach.

"It's okay, I forget sometimes too," Frisk tells her, managing a smile.

"Are you still on for tonight?" Thalia asks, excitement dancing in her eyes.

"Of course," Frisk says, shrugging her shoulders, "Why would I let my best friend down?"

"Yes!" Thalia shouts, punching her fist in the air, "You said I was your best friend!"

"You're both my best friends," Frisk says, rolling her eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Just one more," says Thalia, laughing.

She turns to face me.

"Is she coming today?" Thalia asks.

"Frisk insists that she's fine," I say.

"I AM fine!" Frisk cries, turning on me.

"Okay! You're fine!" I say, raising my hands in defeat.

'That's right," she says, a smug expression on her face, "You know you can't win an argument with me."

"Excuse me?" I say, startled.

"You heard me," she replies, grinning mischievously.

"That is so not true!" I cry, flushing bright blue.

"Is too," she says, poking her tongue out at me.

"You wanna bet?" I ask.

"Bring it," she tells me, grinning like an evil maniac.

"Next argument, I will win," I say.

"And if you don't?" she asks, innocently.

"If I don't?" I splutter, "That won't even be an option."

"Yeah it will," she says, "I know it will."

"No, it won't!" I cry.

"It will," she taunts me, in a singsong voice,

"No," I say, stubbornly, "I won't let you win!"

"You will! You will!" she sings, dancing around me in circles.

"Stop acting like that," I tell her, folding my arms.

"Stop changing the subject," she says back.

"I wasn't changing the subject, I was just trying to stop you from hurting yourself," I tell her.

"Does this mean I win?" she asks, delight on her face.

"No!" I cry, "You don't win!"

"Why not?" she whines, "I want to go to school already!"

"You want to go to school?" I snort.

"I'm bored, Sans!" she cries, "I can't spend all day in my bed!"

"I never said you had to!" I cry, this conversation getting completely off topic.


She folds her arms and pokes her tongue out at me once again.

"Okay, fine. I can't win an argument against you," I say, putting my arm around her.

She smiles, and snuggles into my jacket.

Memories -  (Sans x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now