I stand on my tiptoes and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks," I whisper.

He smiles and grabs my hand, dragging me out the door.

Toriel stands at the front door, ready to wave us goodbye.

"Don't do anything," she says to Sans, jerking her head in my direction.

As I place my bag on my shoulders, he sighs.

"Damn it. All my plans of actually walking around the school are ruined, 'cause now I'm not allowed to move at all," he says, in mock annoyance.

I giggle, but Toriel just rolls her eyes.

"Fine, don't do anything I wouldn't do," she says.

"What? Flirt with your daughter? Too bad Tori," he says, shaking his head.

I laugh even harder, and he smiles at me.

"I give up then!" Toriel says, "Just don't do anything stupid, either of you."

I nod my head and take Sans' hand, waving at Papyrus, who's standing in the kitchen.

"Also, Undyne and Alphys are coming over tonight, so maybe you might want to invite Thalia over again," Toriel says, waving goodbye.
I smile and say, "WiIl do."

Then Sans and I disappear with the sound of static, reappearing outside the school gates.

Still holding hands, we both walk into the courtyard, which is filled with colourful flowers and teenagers, accompanied by their siblings, sitting on benches.

They start to whisper amongst themselves as Sans and I walk past, but I hold my head high, ignoring everything they say.

Sans is blushing, but not really noticing anything going on with the watching crowd.

Once we enter the doors to the school, I ask him, "Do you know what class you have next?"

He shakes his head.

"I have to go to the office to receive a timetable," he says.

"Okay, I'll show you the way," I tell him, dragging him through the hallway.

When we arrive at the office, a couple students walking out pause to stare at us.

I step closer to Sans, not feeling quite as confident as earlier.

I push open the door and walk up to the desk, leaving the gawking students on the other side of the glass.

"What is it?" asks the person sitting at the desk, not looking up at us.

Sans clears his throat and asks, "I was told to receive a timetable here, do you have it?"

"Timetable for who?" the person asks.

"Um... Sans Gaster."

"Here it is," they say, handing a piece of paper to Sans, not even glancing at it.

Sans quickly skims it over and says, "Thanks."

We both exit the office and start laughing.

Once we stop, I look at his timetable, checking for any classes together.

"You have Phys Ed. with me today, and English with with Thalia after lunch," I say, referring to my own timetable.

"And, do you have History first lesson?" he asks.

"I do! Do you?" I reply.

"Yep," he says.

"That's all we have together for today," I say, sighing.

"That's okay, I can handle it," he says, putting his timetable in his bag, which is hanging, lazily, on his shoulder.

I take his hand again, and we walk towards our history classroom.

Halfway there, Thalia pounces on me.

"I knew something was going on!" she squeals, staring at us both.

Sans and I both blush. He looks sheepishly at Thalia, who just grins at me.

"So what happened?" she asks, skipping alongside us.

"Happened? Nothing happened!" I say, hoping she'll realise that she's walking into the wrong classroom.

I let go of Sans' hand and sit down next to him, in the middle of the classroom.

Thalia sits on the other side of me, still plaguing us with questions.

"So, are you guys now, like-"

"Is this your classroom, Miss Foster?" asks the teacher, Mrs. Williams.

"Oh, right," says Thalia, getting up and walking out the door.

She pokes her head back through.

"Tell me more later, okay!" she says, winking at me.

I blush and roll my eyes.

I glance over at Sans, who has his head on his desk with his eyes closed.

I nudge him and he lifts his head up.

"Class over yet?" he asks.

"You have to stay awake, you idiot," I tell him, as more kids file into the classroom.

The kids all stare at Sans, who lazily waves at them.

They look shocked and hurry to their seats.

Once everyone's in the classroom, Mrs. Williams calls the register.

When she finishes, Sans lifts up his hand.

Everyone in the class looks up at it, hanging in the air.

"You have a question?" asks Mrs Williams.

"Uh, yeah," he says, bringing his hand down, "Are you supposed to call out all our names?"

"Yes," she says, looking confused.

"Welp, I didn't hear my name," he says.

"And, you are?" she asks, smiling.

"Sans," he says.

"Well then Sans, I will add you to the list," she replies.

He grins at me, and I grin back.

This day is already one I'm looking forward to.

Memories -  (Sans x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now