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"Mrs McAthy,she's moving her finger."I heard a voice say

Then I felt a warm hand on mine.
I had a serious headache.
I felt like someone threw a brick on my forehead.
My eyes were still closed though.

"Opal darling.Love."
Mom.It was my mother.
I slowly opened my eyes.
"Mom is that you?"

My mom had teary eyes,but I saw joy in them.
"Yes.It's mommy darling.It's mom."
Then she kissed my forehead.

"Call the doctor Gail!"my mother said to Gina.
I guess she was really happy,because she forgot Gina's name.

Gina-regardless of the fact that my mother forgot her name-ran out the door.

My mother turned her face towards mine.I gave her a weak smile.
"Opal,I am so glad that you're okay!I thought that I was going to lose you."

Then she took a tissue out of her purse and blew her nose.
"I've lost alot of things in my life and I will not lose you."

With the little strength I had left ,I wiped my mother's tears away.

"Mom,I'm here and I'm fine.God is with me."

She had a bewildered or rather surprised look on her face.
"Whats wrong mom?"I asked out of confusion

Her face lit up.
"You said that God is with you."
"Yes mom.He is."
She chuckled.That reminded me of someone I think I knew.

Gina entered the door with the doctor.
He was in his mid 20's.He was tall and he had a pleasant face.He had the warmest smile on his face.I think the reason was Gina.

The doctor stood on my right.
"Hello Opal,how are you feeling?"
"Um,I'm not dead so I'm feeling good."
He laughed.
"I can see.I'm just going to monitor your vitals for a moment,alright."
I nodded my head in response.

After some while of monitoring and pain,the doctor,Dr.McDonald-finished his duty.
"Everything looks fine.Your wounds are still septic and they appear to be healing.That little bump on your head looks much better than before,but your leg is still a problem."
"When will I be discharged?"
"I'm gonna keep you here for around,2 weeks maximum.We're going to put you on physiotherapy,until your walking has improved then you'll be free to go."

I'm a workaholic from birth,so the words '2 weeks',did not sit well with me.Anyhow I fully understood why.It looked like I had undergone serious trauma so I needed to be patient and heal.

"What exactly happened Dr.?"
"Your car toppled into the sea and in an attempt to break out of the car,you broke your left leg and you fell unconscious until the rescue team found you."
"How long have I been here?"
"Almost a month.You were in a coma for 2 weeks.By Grace you're conscious again."

Man,that sounded horrible.
But I have to say that I am awesome.

"I'll be leaving then.I'll be back though Opal."he said while tapping his pen gently on my broken,Gypsium-covered leg.

Then he turned and smiled to Gina.
Gina smiled back.
"Good day Mrs McAthy."he said as he shook my mother's hand

He walked towards the door and stopped.
"Um,Miss Gina."
"You can just call me Gina."
"Right,Gina will you be doing something later on?"
"My best friend just got out of a coma,therefore I just want to reminisce with her."
She always had to find an excuse.
I just got out of the 'lion's belly'.
I'm not even worthy of having oxygen within my lungs,but I guess God thought that I deserved a second chance.
Gina was hurt in the past,but she can't let her future revolve around something she can't change.
Perhaps this doctor was her second chance.
I just had to help her take it.

"You can go Gina,but you have to come back when you guys are done."
"Opal..."she hesitated
"Gina,just go."I said as stern as I could be

"I guess I'll be going with you.What time?"
"Approximately five o'clock,will that be fine?"
"Perfect."Gina said,with this huge smile on her face
"See you then Miss."he said with this massive smile on his face.

He closed the door.I heard a thump,as if somebody was jumping up and down.

"I think you found your husband love."My mom said to Gina
Gina looked away.
"Not all guys are horrible G."I said to her
"You only live once,so make it count."

"Yeah I guess I will."Gina said with courage as she left the room.
"I love you Opal by the way!"she said before she left
"Likewise G,likewise."

That was new.Me, talking about love like that.Do all near-death experiences have that after effect on people?

My mother's phone rang.
"Yeah.Yes.I'll be right there."she said to the person on the other line

"Opal love,I have to go,but I will be back."
"You look tired mom.Go wherever you have to go and then go home and rest."
"Are you sure love?"
"I'm 26 years old mom.I will be fine.Don't worry.I am feeling tired anyway so I will just sleep."
"I love you." My mother said as she kissed my cheek
"I love you more mom.May you please tell the rest of the family that I'm not dead yet."
She laughed.
"I will."

My mom left the room and I fell into a deep slumber.I reckon it was my medicine.

It felt good to be back.
God is great.

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