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We entered through the door of the restaurant and a fairly young  waiter approached us."How can I help you ladies?"

"Table for two please" Gina replied.

"Certainly. Just follow me."he said as he led us to our table. As we walked,I couldn't help but close my eyes and inhale the scents that were thrown at me. Creamy cheeses, exotic spices, warm chocolates... It reminded me of my childhood. Call me peculiar,but smells do that to me. They take me places.

"This is your table ladies. Just call me whenever you're ready to place your orders."

"We most definitely will. Thank you" we both replied as we sat down. Gina fixed her hair before sitting down. "You can be such a diva you know Gina." I said.

"Diva is my middle name after all. "

"Yeah it is. I think I'm gonna go ahead and order right now. How about it?"

"Sure. Let's call him."

"His name is Benjamin."

"How do you know that?"

"Unlike you,I have the ability to read my friend."She glared at me.

" I'm just joking Gina," I said before I gently shouted the waiter's name. At the sound of his name,he turned around to see who had called him. He looked over to our table and realised that it was I who had the audacity to shout in a room full of socialites and posh people. He walked to our table. "You called miss."

" Yes she did. I'll have a vegetarian wrap and some apple juice please ", Gina requested.

"Certainly. And you miss?"

"Oh yes, I'll just have an extra meaty burger with a side of greasy fries,an extra large milkshake and another side of fries."

"Is that all miss?"

"N-no. I'll also have two extra large blueberry muffins. Actually make it 3 blueberry muffins."

"Will you be sharing the latter miss?"

"No. It's all for me."

Gina and the waiter both gawked at me. "Alright miss. Just note that your order,in particular, will take a while."

"I'm joking dude.Keep the milkshake and two blueberry muffins and cut the rest. Thanks."

The waiter left immediately and I could still see the 'look'  that he had on his face.

Gina and I both laughed out loud.

"That's why you're my friend Opal. You have a good sense of humour."

"I know. You think I can eat all that?Actually I can,but I have a reputation to uphold."

"And you say I'm the diva..."

Taking less time than I thought he would,the waiter arrived with our orders only 10 minutes later.

"Here's your order miss" he said,to Gina.

"And here's yours miss" he said to me with a smile.

"Thank you " we both said in unison. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Its a pleasure,"he said before he left.

I couldn't wait to dig in. I looked at Gina as she ate her food little by little while I gobbled it all up.

"I know you should savour your food G,but what you're doing isn't that"

"I'm trying to maintain my figure Opal." Gina joked,dryly. She looked quite uncomfortable.

"Let me tell you this Gina you are perfect just the way you are. Stop looking down on yourself. I mean,one day you'll kick the bucket,do you want people to remember your character or physical appearance? Or do you want them to love the true essence of who you are?"

"I want them to love me for me. I want to be remembered for my heart." Gina answered with tears in her eyes.

Although she's beautiful,Gina always had some issues with her self-image. Once she had a boyfriend who abused her emotionally,amongst a number of  other people. It came up to a point when she couldn't take it anymore and deemed it better to fit in. Thus she started eating food little by little until she didn't eat at all. I told her to leave that jerk and after a long time and after falling into a coma, she finally did. Now she's happier than ever. It's time that women and young girls all around the world realise that they are treasure and treasure is only found by those who seek it and if that guy can't see you for who and what you are, then he is what he is. A darn fool.


After our delicious lunch we laughed as we walked all the way to the lobby.

"Don't you just feel like leaving society and go to a place that's almost magical?A place where the grass is evergreen all year. A place with no judgement. A place where everyone can be free. Don't you?"

Gina just stared at me with a smile on her face. "There is dear."

"Where is it?"I asked with anticipation.

"The Bahamas."

"Really? I mean I'm serious. All this drama is quite tedious."

"Just go on holiday then."


"Why,to the Bahamas of course." I  laughed.

"Unfortunately, I got to go. This was fun. Be safe and arrive alive okay." Gina said while giving me a hug. Then she got into her white,beautiful sleek BMW.

"You too Gina,bye" I said. Then I walked to my car.


I turned on my favourite song."Ndawo yami"(my place) by Zamajobe. It goes like this :

"Take me to a place
where the river,river
runs wild...
To a place a place
with fruit or lie...
This place in my dreams.
This place is in my head
all day.
River,river runs wild..."

I loved the song, because it takes me back to when I was a teen. Back when I used to be a free spirited youth. I won't deny the fact that I had always wanted to live a life of plenty. That's what every kid from my neighbourhood wanted,but I also wanted more. I wanted to love. Something that I seldom witnessed in my mother's life,but unfortunately business doesn't go well with passion. It makes even the strongest of men weak. So I decided to work more and love less. So there I was. A woman with everything she ever dreamed of,but lacked what she wanted the most,love.

Finally I arrived home. I went straight to my spacious and elegant bedroom. I changed into my white silk nightdress then I went to bed. That California Kingbed was cold,but anyway it was HUGE so I didn't mind.
I went blank and I snored the whole night through.

#Catching Z's...😜

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