Its late

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the title of this is
quite deceiving
because it isn't
it's only 10:31 pm
but it feels late.
i'm very tired at
the moment and i wish
i was asleep, but i'm not
and i probably won't be
until 1 am when i finally
decide it's time to go to bed.
but why am i wasting my time
telling you this?
it's not like you care
and you shouldn't
that's why you should probably
just leave now
or don't
i have writers block
it's not just on wattpad
it's also in every single essay
i have to write for school
and it's stressing me out
school is stressful and i want
to commit suicide but i won't
because i know that's a bad thing
to do.
it's really hot in my room
which is contributing to the reasons
why i am unable to sleep at this moment
in time.
what i don't understand is
why am i writing like this
it makes no sense what so ever
oh well.
okay i'm going to go find something
else to do with my time.


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