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  He did it. He actually did it. The first time was just a scare, maybe a test. There was nothing anyone could do. He is gone. My ex best friend, Leon Braxton Mollina, is dead, and there is absolutely nothing i can do about this. I'm torn. I know it was all my fault. No one can tell me it isn't. This is my second internet friend I've lost. It's the worst feeling in the world. I don't know of anything else to do but tell everyone to leave me alone forever. The internet is triggering me.. I tried to make myself laugh... it didn't work oops. I'm not going to be verbal for a while, so i'll be writing. I don't know how this is going to work in school, but that's what's gonna have to go down. He was the best thing ever. I didn't even get to see him again.   

To clear shit up, Leo was the co owner of this account, but me and him got in a fight, and i kicked him off. We were best friends irl, then he moved and we became internet friends. Last week, he attempted suicide, and he said he was okay. But today, literally just 5 minutes ago, i got a text saying he committed suicide. 

rip Leo 2/18/17  

^^ for america: 2/17/17

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