I'm Back

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Heyyyyyy imbackkkk finally.. If u hadn't noticed i was very inactive on wattpad for like the past month but now i guess I'm here again.

And I NEED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PHANFIC ASAP. All the ones I'm reading are not completed so i have to wait for updates and i just really want a completed, good, wholesome, fluffy, smutty, decent-plot, fanfiction. Recommendations? I'll swap you. You gimme a recommendation and i give you one.

Oh and i am currently working on new chapters for Lose Yourself and i don't know, if you're one of those strange people that likes my phanfics. If u want me to update another one, let me know, pm me, and maybe you can help me write the next chapter.

Anyway, you might want a life update.

If you don't, go away.

If you do, welcome, my child.. Prepare for a rant on my life.

So....... Some of you may know I have a different crush.

I'm not gonna say her name because she's ultra out of my league and telling her name to a bunch of random people on wattpad would seem kind of strange and life-invading.

She's probably the prettiest and most popular person in the grade.

She and i actually used to be good friends in fourth and fifth grade but then she left for three years and came back this year,completely hot.

Anway, she's way out of my league but there's five other things you should know;

1.we talk almost everyday on Snapchat,telling really personal stuff.

2. We've talked like twice in person this whole year.

3. She's bisexual

4. she has a girlfriend who is a year younger.


5. She knows i have a crush on her.

Well, long story short; i wanted to ask her to the second school dance of the year, somehow she found out, i didn't end up asking her, but, there was a rumor that went around that I was crying in the bathroom because of it (which is a complete lie).

She sent me a snap that said.. "hey.. I heard.. You good?"

And then i told her yeah and i said sorry for making it awkward between us and that it was fine and all this crap.

Anyway we're still friends.

On snapchat.

In fact, we're having a convo right as I'm writing this.

Also, in Social Studies, one of my friends, Sydney and I had to choose to do a video on equal rights protests throughout American history.. The options were like asian, disabled, feminist, black, mexican, gay, etc.

Guess what we chose?


We finished the video today..

Hmu if you want me to send it to you on insta or something.

It's a pretty boring two minute video of us talking but whatever.

Also my mom is upholding a fast for lent but i refused so she's making me read at least fifteen pages of the Bible every night.

Rip me

She knows I'm a homosexual.


Oh, also, if you have Netflix and are okay with really short gay sex scenes (they're really brief trust me.. I'm a lesbian i would be uncomfortable if i had to watch uncensored gay sex), there's a really good documentary/movie about the gay rights movement called "Milk".

It made me cry oml.. I cant.

Oh and btw, isn't that weird?

I'm a lesbian and I'm okay with reading about cheeky bum secks but not watching it?

It's really strange.


Ooohh i just realized this is chapter 69. Cool.

Anywaay, thanks for reading if you actually read all that.

I'll see you later..

Welcome back to wattpad, me!


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