>Dark and His Past< 14

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"So, why do you two hate each other so much?" you asked, looking at Anti as you exited the restaurant. He glanced at you, surprised.

"How do you know we hate each other?" he inquired, confused.

"Well, Dark didn't mention you during the dinner he gave me, you literally said that he's a liar, and that he'll kill me the first chance he got. I think those are enough clues," you explained with a smile. He chuckled, and sighed.

"Fine, fine, you got me. Dark and I... well, I'd have to go all the way back," he puffed, suddenly looking tired and worn.

"You d-don't have to tell me, I was just wondering," you stammered quickly, guilty that you brought it up.

"Well, I suppose I brought you into it in the first place, so you have a right to know. I'm surprised that you waited this long to ask about Dark and his past," he admitted. He stayed quiet, then started the story as you walked below the gloomy sky.

"Darkiplier never had a loving family. He's never known one. He only lived with Wilford, his older brother, who was either busy in his room or teasing him, and Glitchiplier, his younger brother, who was obsessed with music ever since he heard it. All of his other brothers moved out, but Dark was always the lazy one. Anyways, they lived under one roof. With Wilford always mocking and taunting the two of them, Dark grew up bitter, and it showed. He wasn't usually in a good mood. So, one day, I guess he just... snapped. He... he killed Sam."

"Who's Sam?" you questioned, interested, sad, and guilty all at once.

"He's my pet. He... was... my pet." He cleared his throat, and looked up for a minute. You were unsure of what to do, but patted his shoulder comfortingly. He looked at you with a sad smile on his lips. "He was an eye, green and blue, the size of my palm. I don't even know what gender he was, but I always called him a "he", because I'd rather give him a gender than leave him as a thing," he laughed humourlessly. "Sorry, that wasn't funny. But I loved him. He was the only thing I loved. Then I came home one day, and he was flattened. Just... squished. I'll spare you the gory details, but it wasn't pretty."

"Well, how did you know Dark killed him?" you asked.

"Because of the fact that he left a note," he clarified.

"And it was him, for sure? Like, not a forgery?" you interrogated. He shook his head firmly.

"I triple checked to make sure it wasn't a forgery, and when I cornered him, he admitted it," he growled, angry now. His ocean blue irises (A/N:that's the part of the eye with colour, right? Because if so, I've been screwing up my eye anatomy my whole life.) in his left eye became a bright blue, and the white scleras turned an acid green colour. In his right eye, everything was just black, like Dark's. His face contorted in anger, and it scared you. You've never seen this side of him before.

"Anti...." You backed away slowly, scared, but he turned to you, and his eyes turned back to normal.

"Crap, I didn't mean that. But... yeah. We weren't on good terms after that," he finished abruptly, then kept walking at a brisker pace. You struggled to keep up, and you thought you heard swearing and cursing under his breath.

"I'm sorry for your loss," you tried to say. He halted and spun around unexpectedly, almost making you crash into him. He studied you for a second, then muttered quietly,

"Not everything's your fault, you know. Not everyone's blaming everything on you."

"I-I know," you stuttered, "but I was... I don't know. It's just sad that you lost your favourite pet," you tried to explain yourself, but he smiled and hung his head.

"Jeez, you're a strange human - I mean...." he blushed, realizing what he said, and immediately started trying to cover up his slip-up.

"Don't worry, I know you guys are demons."


"I... well, my detective skills are very good, you know. I mean, I did figure out that you and Dark weren't on speaking terms," you excused, hoping it was a good enough lie to cover up for Wilford's visit in your room. For some reason, your gut told you not to mention the mustached man quite yet.

"Whatever. I guess I don't know emotions as humans do, then. I don't say sorry when people I just met tells me that their pet died, like, a year ago."

"It was a year ago?" you gasped. He nodded, and you continued walking in heavy silence. You wanted time to think, and he gave it to you. He hadn't spoken to Dark for a year... Dark's hated Anti for a year. What... happened?

What's your story, Wilford Warfstache? And what's yours, Darkiplier? And how do I fit into this? you asked in your head. Maybe you should have asked both of them when you had the chance... oh well, couldn't be helped. You took Anti's hand firmly, hoping it gave him some strength, and the rest of the walk home was complete tranquility.


Hello, all you beautiful people! Sorry for the late update!

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